The mask logic we're getting is that the (fabric, non-medical) mask isn't to protect the wearer from getting the virus, it's to keep the wearer who may not realize they already have the virus from spreading it to others.
Kroger now has a person cleaning carts full-time, and they're supposed to be in the process of installing physical barriers at checkout lanes in every store, but they announced that two weeks ago and still haven't made it to ours.
The luxury store I like to go to have put down markers and made their lanes one-way, to keep people from bunching together.
Kroger now has a person cleaning carts full-time, and they're supposed to be in the process of installing physical barriers at checkout lanes in every store, but they announced that two weeks ago and still haven't made it to ours.
The luxury store I like to go to have put down markers and made their lanes one-way, to keep people from bunching together.