What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
8:01 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
We often get posts about ingredients or produce bought, received or otherwise procured by members. So, I thought perhaps we could start a regular thread similar to What did you cook/eat today (May 2018)? but showing or listing ingredients we bought or otherwise obtained. It could be your on-line shopping or a trip to a food market. Or perhaps the produce from your garden or your spoils from a fishing or foraging trip.

It would be interesting to see or hear about the raw ingredients and perhaps know what they cost in our various locations. It could just be your everyday shopping. Its all interesting!

So I will start. Here is what I bought on my little shopping trip today to the local Asian mini market:


Clockwise from the top: Mr Naga pickle (super hot!), glass noodles, kerala (bitter gourd), black pepper papadums, curry leaves, limes, Scotch Bonnet chillies, green mangoes.


Self evident - the sesame seeds are for The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Sesame Seeds

Here is what all the above cost. Good value by your countries prices - or maybe not?
Cost = £16.34 or $22.21 American dollars, $29.55 Australian dollars or €18.55

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I like this. But, if this is to be a feature, we should set up some rules. For instance, what you showed was interesting because the ingredients are intriguing. I started listing "what I bought yesterday", and I realized that a lot of it is was just a grocery list of common ingredients. This is what I started before realizing that:

All Purpose flour
serrano peppers
brussels sprouts
cheddar cheese
I like this. But, if this is to be a feature, we should set up some rules. For instance, what you showed was interesting because the ingredients are intriguing. I started listing "what I bought yesterday", and I realized that a lot of it is was just a grocery list of common ingredients. This is what I started before realizing that:

All Purpose flour
serrano peppers
brussels sprouts
cheddar cheese
Nice ingredients. All the makings of a fruity pancake (or fruit salad), add some eggs and a pretty awesome omelette.
I like this. But, if this is to be a feature, we should set up some rules. For instance, what you showed was interesting because the ingredients are intriguing. I started listing "what I bought yesterday", and I realized that a lot of it is was just a grocery list of common ingredients.

I know - but I wasn't sure if people will participate so don't want to set up too many rules yet. I wasn't suggesting members should list everything they bought, received, foraged, caught or harvested. Although I confess to be fascinated by other folk's shopping lists, however mundane.
Today the only thing I obtained was a pack of Aldi frozen oven chips. Now that is mundane. Do you have frozen oven chips in the USA? I expect you do - that is probably why we have them here!
Last week, the western food produce that I ordered but did not receive:

1 No Pork pie - Bht 85.00
1 kg Pork sausages, thin - Bht 260.00
1 kg Cod fillets - Bht 250.00
250 gm Dry aged fillet steak - Bht 175.00

Currently Sterling 1 = Bht 43.00.
On Thirstday my wife went to the slightly upmarket supermarket for potatoes, sourdough rolls and parsley and came back with this:

TOPS BILL 030518.jpg

Admittedly the outlet has been suffering lately from major roadworks outside both of its entrances/exits so is not tending to restock perishables at the present time.
Today's bill (from the not so upmarket supermarket).


I am struggling to get to grips with the point of this thread. However......
Today's bill (from the not so upmarket supermarket).

View attachment 15939

I am struggling to get to grips with the point of this thread. However......

There is no point any more than there is a point to the what did you eat today thread. Its just that members accasionally post in general chat or miscellaneous about something they bought or were given, caught, foraged etc and I thought maybe it would give such posts a home. Its also interesting (to me at any rate) to see prices around the world. Your bills look really expensive but that is only because of the high numbers in the prices. I'm sure they are actually really cheap.
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