What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2023)?

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Here’s the definition of serendipity:

MrsT, upon her return from Alaska last week, told me that she’d had some salmon there she really liked (keep in mind, this is a woman who spat out local smoked salmon in Scotland), so saying she liked some salmon was rather earth-shaking.

I took those pics yesterday and texted them to her, as more of a little interesting thing, like, “You just got back from Alaska, and the shop here is selling overnighted salmon!”

What I didn’t know was that just the day before, she’d been talking to the neighbor, and she mentioned that they’d heard about shops occasionally getting salmon in and selling it out front…exactly what I just happened upon.

She quick texted them, and they went over and bought some…$24/pound, and you had to buy the whole fish, and the one they bought was about five pounds. $$$$

But hey, they wrapped it for free!

Um... you hate fish and can't stand the smell. What happened?
Um... you hate fish and can't stand the smell. What happened?
Not sure what you mean - nothing happened.

The serendipitous bit was regarding my neighbor. Unbeknownst to me, she’d just told MrsT the day before about hearing of some shops getting loads of salmon flown in overnight and holding sidewalk sales, and then…POOF!…the next day, I’m at such a place, so when I texted the pic to MrsT, she in turn texted it to the neighbors, and they nabbed a fish!
We got cabbage onions and carrots. Its Sunday family dinner but with a twist. Daughter is doing it today to give me a rest. Shes doing charcoal rotisserie lamb and a chook. She asked me to do my coleslaw. So slow day watching races.

I was extremely disciplined this morning. Went all the way down to the market in the city and bought "Chirelito" peppers, Peruvian "Yellow" peppers, garlic and dillweed.
Then I got home and the wife said she was having some friends round to play cards on Monday and could I make a Chile Con Carne, so I had to buy kidney beans, minced beef, peppers, tomatoes, parsley and butter, an extra gallon or three of Coke and a kilo of coffee.
So much for not spending on a Saturday.
Kroger. I bring it up because I know so many people, including my whole family, who say Kroger's. I don't know why, but it is very common. :scratchhead:

I think there’s more of a tendency, correct or not, to do that with stores that have a family name - same thing with Meijer, it’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I’m going to Meijer’s.” - it’s using the family name instead of the (impersonal) store name.

If they say, “I’m going to Walmart’s,” though…that’s just wrong. Get away from those people! :laugh:
I think there’s more of a tendency, correct or not, to do that with stores that have a family name - same thing with Meijer, it’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I’m going to Meijer’s.” - it’s using the family name instead of the (impersonal) store name.

If they say, “I’m going to Walmart’s,” though…that’s just wrong. Get away from those people! :laugh:

I still drive 20 mins away from where I grew up and support the little guy. I buy biscuits coke (rum) and m and ms for myself and the grandkids. Mum would turn in her grave if she saw her home today. No more rose gardens and flowers etc.

I think there’s more of a tendency, correct or not, to do that with stores that have a family name - same thing with Meijer, it’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I’m going to Meijer’s.” - it’s using the family name instead of the (impersonal) store name.

Yeah, that's what I've always kinda' guessed, too.

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