What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Sichuan pepper, the ground variety and some chillies for Kung Pao chicken.

Frightening food colourings for some vibrant and undoubtedly off putting renditions 😂
Oh my! What are you making?
The boys exams have finished so a Star Wars themed lunch full of garish food like the ‘Bantha milk’ Luke drank in ‘A New Hope’
Entertainingly Mark Hamill said it made him want to vom, it was filmed in scorching heat in Tunisia so the milk was UHT, remember just how god awful long life milk used to be?
So they sweetened it to try and make it palatable, he desperately wanted to get it done in one take but no such luck.
I’ll be going for more of a Lassi than a vom effect 😆
So…I had to go up to Columbus today, about 75 minutes up the interstate, for a doc’s appointment, and since I was going to be given a “calming agent” (which turned out to be diazepam), I had to bring MrsT to drive back home. The visit was expected to last about two hours.

Checked in, settled into the waiting area, and she got to looking at her phone and realized we were only about 20 minutes from our favorite doughnut place, just beyond where the suburbs turn to farmland.

She asked the receptionist if she had to stay with me the whole time (she would if I were having a colonoscopy), and the young woman said, “Nope, but he can’t leave on his own, that’s all.”

“I’m gonna go get doughnuts, be right back!” - and off she was like a flash.

This is what she came back with less than an hour later:


To give you an idea of scale, that box is 21” x 13” (53cm x 33cm).

That’s our doughnuts for the upcoming year, they’re already in the freezer (except for the blueberry fritter…that’s January’s delight).

When we got out to the car, I opened the door and was assaulted with the delectably intense smell of sugar - it filled the whole car.
I didn't buy them, but saw this in the produce section... of Walmart.

View attachment 109483

Billy Bob: Hey Betty Sue, lookit' these here green beans hairy-coats verts. They's don't look hairy to me, and whatsa' vert?

Everybody knows the discerning shopper goes to Kroger for that upscale stuff:

I'm thinking Haricot Verts are just ordinary green beans with a higher price.

I’ve made the same observation, after seeing Kroger’s giant bin of loose green beans labeled as such at the beginning of the week, and the same green beans labeled as haricot verts later in the week with a substantial price increase.
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