What will you be watching on TV tonight (2024)?

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I saw them one by one as them were released. I don't like the new versions.
I would agree with that about the new versions, no one can top Charleton Heston, James Franciscus (who was so handsome) and Roddy McDowell. I too saw them one by one as they were released, but when they had that marathon day where 4 of them were played in succession, it was pretty cool.

Edit to add: that was in the early 70s, of course, and it was before #5 was made (which wasn't nearly as good).
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You heard Wagner and were blown away, went to a marathon of operas and it put you off him for life? Is that right?
Amazing what a torture chamber can do to your tastes?! 😂
Tannhauser is a good opera; classic, and not too long. "I was duped, miss!" :laugh: The Ring is the difference between diving off the high board in a swimming pool, and diving over the Niagara falls...

I’m liking the new Doc and the new companion, and that’s unusual. I usually love one and want to murder the other(s). :laugh:
Ruby sort of reminds me of Rose. CORRECTION - I really didn't like Peter Capaldi or Jodie Whittaker. I couldn't stand Donna or Clara after a very short time.

I agree with you about Stephen Moffatt. I think he ruined the show.
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Ruby sort of reminds me of Rose. I like Peter Capaldi or Jodie Whittaker. I couldn't stand Donna or Clara after a very short time.
I never liked Rose at all. Clara, I liked her, but she was definitely a love-her-or-hate-her companion. I blame a lot of that hate on the way Stephen Moffatt chose to write her, though.

I have high hopes from Ruby - she sort of reminds of my first companion, Jo from Classic Who.
I never liked Rose at all. Clara, I liked her, but she was definitely a love-her-or-hate-her companion. I blame a lot of that hate on the way Stephen Moffatt chose to write her, though.

I have high hopes from Ruby - she sort of reminds of my first companion, Jo from Classic Who.
Read my correction. I agree with you about Stephen Moffatt. I think he ruined the show. Russell is MUCH better.
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