What will you be watching on TV tonight (2024)?

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In Mediaeval Britain, being "gap-toothed" was considered sexy. Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" says (in modern English):
"Gap - toothed I was, and that became me well;
I had the print of holy Venus' seal"
and she then goes on to describe how sexy she is.
Obviously, British dental practices have not recovered from Mediaeval times :cool: :laugh: :laugh:
In Mediaeval Britain, being "gap-toothed" was considered sexy.
In most areas of physical attractiveness, I think perfection is boring. Perfectly straight teeth is actually one of strangest things to me, because they look so…unnatural.

I could go on and on about it, but I’ll just stop there.
In most areas of physical attractiveness, I think perfection is boring. Perfectly straight teeth is actually one of strangest things to me, because they look so…unnatural.

I could go on and on about it, but I’ll just stop there.
I agree.
Although I wouldn’t complain if I took a step or three in that general direction 😂
In most areas of physical attractiveness, I think perfection is boring. Perfectly straight teeth is actually one of strangest things to me, because they look so…unnatural.

I could go on and on about it, but I’ll just stop there.

Yes, but you are an Anglophile -- the biggest Anglophile I've ever known. Straight teeth are probably too American for you. :laugh:

I had horrible teeth as a kid. I actually had too many teeth for my mouth. Before I got braces, four teeth were removed. The whole process sucked, but I have no regrets -- and they are certainly not perfect, but they are straight.


Funny side note: Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, The Big Lebowski) has horrible teeth. When he reached a point where he could afford to fix his teeth, he decided not to, because he believed his bad teeth helped him get the quirky roles that have earned him success. :D

The whole process sucked, but I have no regrets -- and they are certainly not perfect, but they are straight.
See, those teeth look great to me…how teeth should look - each one unique.

Here’re mine:

Tops are fine, bottoms are crowded, but they work and they’re mine and mine alone! :laugh:

The waitress saw me taking that pic and she laughed and laughed at the tooth conversation. She also showed me hers ( :laugh: ) and is also in the camp of slightly off-white and crooked rules!
We hadn't watched Worst Cooks on the FN in years, but I saw something on 1 of the commercials that I wanted to see how the cook handled the disaster. I don’t think we have laughed so hard for a long time. I have been crying on and off because of laughing so hard at the antics.
I started Star Treks Strange New Worlds because it was Whimsy Wednesday yesterday (and I accidentally got that paramount) and Mr SSOAP wanted to see it.
I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not a fan of the new Star Trek stuff (but obviously adore the original stuff with the Shat) and yet I enjoyed it. The characters are interesting enough to keep me engaged. I look forward to next Wednesday!
I started Star Treks Strange New Worlds because it was Whimsy Wednesday yesterday (and I accidentally got that paramount) and Mr SSOAP wanted to see it.
I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not a fan of the new Star Trek stuff (but obviously adore the original stuff with the Shat) and yet I enjoyed it. The characters are interesting enough to keep me engaged. I look forward to next Wednesday!
We're working on catching up with Discovery by starting at the beginning since we never watched the last season. I alternate subscribing between Disney and Paramount. The last season of Discovery will start in April. We'll start Strange New Worlds once we caught up on Discovery since SNW is a continuation/branch off of Discovery. Plus, there's nothing wrong with watching Anson Mount! :D
We watched the movie Old last weekend, from M. Night Shyamalan - intriguing concept/story, but executed poorly, both MrsT and I thought.

We already have Dune scheduled for Saturday night.
We're working on catching up with Discovery by starting at the beginning since we never watched the last season. I alternate subscribing between Disney and Paramount. The last season of Discovery will start in April. We'll start Strange New Worlds once we caught up on Discovery since SNW is a continuation/branch off of Discovery. Plus, there's nothing wrong with watching Anson Mount! :D
I’m not familiar with Anson Mount?
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