What your significant other does with food and drink that annoys you?

You don't take this as a sign of appreciation?

It is. And he is definitely enjoying the food. But when its literally every few seconds its enough to drive me mad!

Yep, my MIL started doing that in the early stages, and progressed to humming tunelessly to herself.

He hums too, much of the time. Not so much tunelessly as repetitive humming phrases. Nothing I can do about it other than engaging him in conversation. I think the noises are a type of OCD and serve to reassure him.
My husband is adorable, also as a fellow diner.

However, he has trouble saying he doesn't like something because he wants to be making me happy all the time, which is great but sometimes not very practical. He's slowly starting to get to it though by saying things like 'I am not sure this is my favorite way to prepare this..' after much insistence on my part when I see he is not enjoying it :laugh:

Oh, and he always leaves trails in the kitchen.. Fryer fat when he cleans the fryer, water when he does the dishes, leftover packaging if he used the last one etc. Yes, that's a pet peeve but he's such a sweet man that I forgive him.

That sounds so much like my grandmother. She says she liked the food, then I find out from my aunt she didn't like it :D

I had a boyfriend who used to eat everything on his plate and then some more, and in the end he'd say: "You know, this tasted kinda weird"
I know a lot of you plan menus ahead of time. That would never work very well in my house unless it was pasta and red sauce every night. So oftentimes in the mornings, I will ask hubby, "What do you want for dinner?" He will say, "I don't care, whatever you cook will be fine." I will say, "How about...(insert food item)?" He will say, "No, I don't want that." I will suggest a couple of more things, and sometimes he shoots them all down, then when I don't suggest anything, he will say (unenthusiastically) that the first one (or another) will be just fine. LOL!!! It was the same thing when we used to go out to restaurants. I would ask where he wanted to go, and he would say he didn't care, and then veto all of my suggestions. Then I would tell him, "Okay, you pick it then." And he would say he didn't know and didn't care, or he would say, "Ok, the sushi place is fine, I guess. I wasn't really in the mood for that, but whatever."
Windingo, my husband (he's my ex now) did this. He thinks "cleaning the kitchen" means washing and rinsing the dishes ONLY. He doesn't wipe down the stove, clean the counters, sweep and mop the floor or put food away. I appreciate that he always volunteered to do dishes since I cooked, but I knew my "shift" wasn't done for the night.

Yeah it's really irritating at times but imo also not worth fighting over so usually I just take care of it.
MrsTasty is the opposite, she eats really slowly. At home, we almost always eat off tray tables in the living room, and I always plate and serve hers first, then plate and take a snap of mine. I guarantee you that 19 times out of 20, I'll still start eating before she does, and one million times out of one million, I'll finish waaaay before she does. I fall in that category of "three hours to prepare, 90 seconds to eat."

I don't eye her food, though, with the exception of pizza, which isn't on her plate, but still in the kitchen. I get highly irritated when she says she wants half the pizza, then eats a quarter of it, saves the other quarter, then never eats it and it goes in the trash a week later.

I just figured out your real name. Felix Unger.

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