Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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I bought a bottle of Lagavulin for my friend for Christmas. Its a lovely whisky. I shared most of it!

One of my favorite things to do is sharing my good bottles of liquor with my friends. I don't mind drinking alone. It's more enjoyable experiencing it with people you care about.
My husband's own made mojito
Iced chai tea made from Teavana"s Youthberry and Wild Orange blossom (made from real dehydrated youths and flowers)
I don't often drink whisky (I prefer cognac), but I'll make an exception for the bottle of Bowmore Single Malt I uncovered for twenty quid. This stuff usually sells for around £32 to £35, so I think we'll take that as a decent bargain.
I had a bottle of Stella Artois Cidre last night. Light, bubbly, refreshing.

Oh, I love a good, light bubbly cider. There was a guy from another cooking site I knew years ago that sent me a 6 pack of his homemade hard cider in which he used champagne yeast. It was fantastic. The bubbles were extremely fine, and I felt even finer after the first two...
I really like Woodpecker cider the best, but it's hard to find. It is almost like drinking champagne. The Stella is a good second choice.
My response to this would be the same as the reply to the question 'What is your favorite wine?'

The bottle that is now open!

Now that summer is making the occasional appearance here in the UK, when temperatures hit 20°+ in the evening, I can be found making V&T's.

= bliss in a glass!!

[for best results, use good quality vermouth and, for my taste, it MUST be FT's mediterranean tonic. I have conducted very scientific tests using other tonics, they make poor substitutes!].
The first picture in there reminds me of when I used to live in Oxford. We used to call that drink Noisy Prat because that tended to be a very good description of many of the types that used to drink it.
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