Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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Went back and found the wine - which is not badly priced. How long did your order take to arrive?
We ordered on 18th April and got it on 30th, so it wasn't rapid. Understandable in current circumstances. Our experience is that buying directly from breweries is a bit quicker. We've had beer from Hook Norton and Woodforde's in three to four days.

It’s a lot like Dogfish Head’s 60 minute and 90 minute IPAs, but lighter. It makes me think about going to a baseball game, despite how bad the Tigers are.

Yes, I know the reality, but indulge me my fantasies. It’s easy when you have an awesome team, like the Indians, right TastyReuben? Cleveland deserves it, and I hope you win it all.

But, me liking it enough to want to see my home team very likely lose? Yes: It’s that good.

A stunning 95 calories, and it tastes this good. There is a God.
What strength is it? Talking lower calorie beer - Guinness has 105 cals in half a pint or 125 cals in 12 oz.
It’s 4% alcohol, so a bit weaker then the 5% you would get in a standard brew. But, that’s only slightly less than a Guinness. Thanks for reminding me, by the way. I should pick up some Guinness as well.
It’s 4% alcohol, so a bit weaker then the 5% you would get in a standard brew. But, that’s only slightly less than a Guinness. Thanks for reminding me, by the way. I should pick up some Guinness as well.

I got my son to deliver some Guinness today as I got a sudden craving - but I will wait until beer o'clock, which in my house is 4pm.
I got my son to deliver some Guinness today as I got a sudden craving - but I will wait until beer o'clock, which in my house is 4pm.
Weekdays, when we drink during the week, that's when beer o'clock is. On weekends, about 10AM.

We (used to) go to a monthly German sausage buffet (weisswurstessen) in Cincy, and that started at 11AM, but if you didn't get there by 10AM, you'd be in line for an hour, and nowhere to sit, and logic dictates that if you're standing in a German bar, waiting on the buffet to open, you may as well have a beer...
House rules here have become even more Draconian on the subject of drinking alcohol. We used to have a rule of "nothing before seven o'clock," but that has moved to half-past seven now. I think we are drinking less since lockdown started. Part of this, I suspect, is the absence of football on the telly, particularly European games. We'd spot a match that looked promising and say, "Oh, that's worth watching with a beer or five."
House rules here have become even more Draconian on the subject of drinking alcohol. We used to have a rule of "nothing before seven o'clock," but that has moved to half-past seven now. I think we are drinking less since lockdown started. Part of this, I suspect, is the absence of football on the telly, particularly European games. We'd spot a match that looked promising and say, "Oh, that's worth watching with a beer or five."
It's probably worthy of a separate topic, but because I'm fascinated by different cultures anyway, and because I enjoy the occasional tipple, I always like to read about, and experience drinking cultures from around the world.

I've been working from home for the majority of my week for probably the last decade, but because weekday "day-drinking" has always been strongly frowned upon where I grew up, I'd feel extremely guilty if I had a beer with my lunch on a workday. Weekends, around here, it's ok to drink something late morning, but it needs to be appropriate, like a mimosa or a Bellini.

When I was in the military (USAF), drinking during work hours was officially not allowed, but when I was stationed in the UK, that was officially modified to allow us to drink one beer with lunch, with the understanding you were at lunch with your British counterparts. Why? Because the overriding mandate was to fit in and be a cohesive team, and having an official position of not drinking alcohol at lunch could be perceived as judgmental of our host country, so we were allowed one drink. Just one. :)

I read an article a couple of years ago, a travel-related article about Americans visiting France, and it said that one of the things that French people were puzzled by was the idea Americans held that drinking at lunch was somehow bad. They felt that led to bad behavior on the part of Americans, because they drank as much as the French, but saved it all until the evening, so they were doing their drinking in a shorter window, then getting drunk and acting stupidly. I guess that's a take on the old saying, "It's a marathon, not a sprint." :)
I cannot remember ever drinking before seven o'clock.
Our normal drinking habits are as follows:

Monday - occasional drink before and/or with supper.

Tuesday through Thursday - usually no drinking because of weekly meds my wife takes on Wednesdays which react with alcohol.

Friday - some combination of a drink before/with/after supper.

Saturday & Sunday - brunch-style drinks, afternoon drink, and usually something with supper.
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