Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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My personal favorite for rum these days is this one:
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I used to avoid spiced rum the way I avoid flavored vodka: my feeling usually is that you should get unflavored liquor and then add your own (much purer) flavors later. But, this one isn't obnoxiously spiced, and it's very affordable as well as available even in supermarkets. Plus, a cool bottle and 94 proof are nice bonuses.
I ordered a cocktail once named Dark & Stormy" that used Kraken dark rum and ginger beer with a piece of candied ginger. This was in Arizona. Later research showed the Dark & Stormy cocktail was the the national drink of Bermuda - not necessarily using Kraken.

Anyway, I really liked it although I found the ginger beer a little over powering in taste. Decided to make it at home cutting the ginger beer with soda/seltzer water and adding fresh lime wedges. It was pretty darn good - always keep a bottle of Kraken Dark on hand now for when the mood strikes.
If you want a good lager, you can't go wrong with Czech beer.

And, I just noticed: are those clogs to the left of the screen? And, do you dare to wear them after having a few drinks?
That's actually from Belgium, but they're no slouches in the brewing arts, either. :)

Those are clogs, bought in The Netherlands, probably in 1993. I've never worn them, but we did try on this pair during that trip:

Now you know why my wife used to get mistaken for Roseanne Roseannadanna. :laugh:

You get extra points if you can tell me who/what is perched atop those clogs on my wall... :whistle:
Kinda blurry, but an owl?
Nope, but here's a hint: He's a real hothead who's always arguing with his much cooler brother. Sometimes, their Mother has to step in and make them behave, especially around the Christmas holidays. Hmmmm...
Pinot Grigio, I need something to knock me out but not make me feel cr**py in the morning, I need a clear head.
This is nice. It's a 4.3% IPA from Wolf Brewery in Norfolk. It tastes a little stronger than that, in fact rather more like an old-fashioned IPA, a traditionally stronger ale.

My personal favorite for rum these days is this one:
View attachment 41767

I used to avoid spiced rum the way I avoid flavored vodka: my feeling usually is that you should get unflavored liquor and then add your own (much purer) flavors later. But, this one isn't obnoxiously spiced, and it's very affordable as well as available even in supermarkets. Plus, a cool bottle and 94 proof are nice bonuses.

I've always liked that bottle label. I have yet to try it because I can't stand spiced rums aka Captain Morgan. But worth a try if less spiced than others, even if it ends up being just to collect the bottle...

(On the other hand, I did make a spiced coffee liquor using rum last winter, which was pretty good. I brought it to a party back when parties happened. At some point I'll post the recipe, but first I have to make it again so I have a photo or two. )
Enjoying this from Sam Adams:
I've included a better shot of my little buddy from the previous picture. He'd like this summery choice, as it's 80F right now, sun shining, too. As he's said before:

"I never wanna know a day that's under 60 degrees. I'd rather have it 80, 90, 100 degrees!"

Somebody must know who he is! 🔥
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