Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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Hatherwood porter. Says it´s dark, sleek and malted (reminds me of an ex-girlfriend) and...
it is. Delicious, and fortunately, no hyper-creative lunatic decided to ruin it by adding coffee beans, cacao nibs, chocolate bars or a glass of Starbuck´s special. It´s just good porter!
As a Cincinnati boy, I should say the New Riff, but as a girly-man, I think I’d reach for the Amaretto. :laugh:

I say that while drinking a Maker’s and (diet) Coke, so maybe there’s some hope for me.

Not if you are mixing Maker's with Diet Coke. :stop:

I always liked Buffalo Trace, myself, but buying me a Maker's Mark wouldn't have made me angry.

Trying something a bit different as far as Bacardi is concerned: an 8yr finished in Sherry cask.

The good old cork sniff confirms the hint of sherry, as does the nosing on the glass after a brief swirl. Additional scents include raisins and citrus. There may be more, but I'm recovering from a sinus infection so I'm not on my A-game lol.
Allowing the swirl to settle displays some legs to the rum as it settles back into the base of the glass.
Tasting the rum adds vanilla to the notes hinted at in the nosing. At 80proof, this is a pleasant neat sipper without invoking the pirate face (or burn) that a higher proof rum would.

Side note, I'm thinking of starting to write/record tastings like this, any thoughts or tips?
I really enjoy a Sauvignon Blanc, but prefer Chilean and Argentinian brands over New Zealand, Australian, Californian and South African offers. I find the latter way too sweet, lacking the acidity and taste of freshly mown grass.
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