Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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Rush Canadian Ale…at YYZ airport. The band Rush released the song “YYZ” the year I graduated from high school, naming the song after the Toronto airport. Rush, one of my favorite bands of all time, was one of the few to have all their members graduate from college. Smart band, so I figured they’d put their name on a good beer. This is indeed a solid beer, hopped like a lager, but brewed as an ale.

The bad news? We can’t find a Tim Horton’s anywhere in this terminal. Those of us from Canada or near the Canadian border know how traumatic this is…really looking forward to a cup of their coffee. There is a Starbucks, though…booooo!

I hope you drank a toast to Neil Peart. RIP

All three of them were big fans of good food, beer and wine. I found this. Rush I need a couple of those Hemispheres Pilsner glasses.

Great instrumental...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SouCSF45K48

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Rush Canadian Ale…at YYZ airport. The band Rush released the song “YYZ” the year I graduated from high school, naming the song after the Toronto airport. Rush, one of my favorite bands of all time, was one of the few to have all their members graduate from college. Smart band, so I figured they’d put their name on a good beer. This is indeed a solid beer, hopped like a lager, but brewed as an ale.

The bad news? We can’t find a Tim Horton’s anywhere in this terminal. Those of us from Canada or near the Canadian border know how traumatic this is…really looking forward to a cup of their coffee. There is a Starbucks, though…booooo!
I saw Rush 3 times. One of the times I was on the floor in front of the stage, 4th row, with my 2 girlfriends who also loved Rush. We were a trio so unlike the rest of our friends who loved mediocre top-40 music. Oh, it was so fantastic! Oh, and the other two times were previously in larger stadiums and I wasn't close up, but still great shows.
I saw Rush 3 times. One of the times I was on the floor in front of the stage, 4th row, with my 2 girlfriends who also loved Rush. We were a trio so unlike the rest of our friends who loved mediocre top-40 music. Oh, it was so fantastic! Oh, and the other two times were previously in larger stadiums and I wasn't close up, but still great shows.

I photographed them in concert at Reunion Arena in Dallas. They didn't go out of their way to help me, but I got good shots. They didn't work against me like other performers did. They just did their act, and I did my job, which works for me. For that gig, I had to sell the copyrights with the photos, so I can't post any here. I could probably get away with it, but that's not how I roll. Besides, I'd have to get them from film to digital. which is a PITA.

I've been to probably a half dozen of their concerts.

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