What's cooking?

Karen W

Über Member
30 Jul 2018
Local time
12:33 PM
Hi all.

I thought I smelled food. LOL.

I think I found you guys while searching for something or other food or cooking related.

I've been cooking for quite a while, but find there is always something new to learn when it comes to the topic of food and cooking.

I'm kind of tongue tied when it comes to introductions and talking about myself. Maybe I'm shy ;)

In any event, glad that I found you. Looking forward to sharing all things food. Maybe I can add more later on.
Hi all.

I thought I smelled food. LOL.

I think I found you guys while searching for something or other food or cooking related.

I've been cooking for quite a while, but find there is always something new to learn when it comes to the topic of food and cooking.

I'm kind of tongue tied when it comes to introductions and talking about myself. Maybe I'm shy ;)

In any event, glad that I found you. Looking forward to sharing all things food. Maybe I can add more later on.
Welcome aboard @Karen W. This is a very friendly forum, and all contributions are valued. Feel free to join existing discussions, or create some of you own :welcome:
Welcome to CookingBites @Karen W. We are a friendly bunch here and we love new members! Feel free to dive in and post wherever you like. We have a couple of challenges running at the moment which anyone can take part in. See here: The CookingBites Challenges. Or you could join in the regular thread What did you cook or eat today (July 2018)? Above all, have fun.

What kind of food do you like to make?
Thank you all for the warm welcome :) I can't think of a Cuisine I don't like. I'll try almost anything once. I try to keep it healthy, make it tasty, and use simple, fresh seasonal ingredients when I can. Looking forward to getting to know you.

P.S. I'm not good with a camera, and don't always have the time to take pictures, but whenever possible I'll provide a link to a recipe I'm referring to. I am a bit of an electronic recipe hoarder, but do come up with some of my own as well.
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'm not good with a camera, and don't always have the time to take pictures, but whenever possible I'll provide a link to a recipe I'm referring to. I am a bit of an electronic recipe hoarder, but do come up with some of my own as well.

That's OK - we love to hear about what you make. Some of us post photos when we can. It doesn't matter about the quality of the photos. I look forward to your recipes!
Welcome!!! I've been a member for about 6 months and my cooking experience has greatly improved. I'm cooking dishes that I never would have before.

They even tolerate me posting about my other hobby that is completely unrelated to cooking (well, other than the pre game dinners :) )
Thank you.That's a hard question. I like to try new things and mix it up. Rather than the same old same old. Will have to think on that one.
Thank you.That's a hard question. I like to try new things and mix it up. Rather than the same old same old. Will have to think on that one.

We rarely have the same dish in a 2 month period and are pretty adventurous eaters. We try new cuisines on a regular basis.
So many dishes. So little time LOL. I do enjoy the magic of watching a souffle rise, or the smell of a roasting chicken with potatoes, comfort food is appreciated as well. Chicken is so versatile. When I have the time, I'll dust off my pasta machine. These days though, I try to keep it simple and and tasty. Italian and Asian are two of my favorite cuisines, if I only had to pick two. I would probably eat pasta all day everyday if I could ;)
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Do you have access to an outdoor smoker? I do a little BBQing and grilling. Seafood is also high on our cooking choices. We also love Cajun and Creole food.
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