What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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My chives are growing like crazy.

Also, I didn't know oregano could be a spreader. I had two well-contained oregano plants last year, and now I've noticed they're encroaching on my sage.
My chives are growing like crazy.

Also, I didn't know oregano could be a spreader. I had two well-contained oregano plants last year, and now I've noticed they're encroaching on my sage.

Oh yes, oregano is a spreader. I planted one small oregano plant a few years ago, and it is now about 3-foot by 6-foot in spread. I don't have any other herbs or peppers growing in that garden, so I just keep it within the boundaries of the garden with a weed-whacker.

Let's hope the mint doesn't devour your house, forcing you to move. I've never planted mint, but I had a neighbor once who did, which means I had mint, too. :stop:

When I first planted it, I asked all around about an herb garden, and over and over again, "You have to have mint! Mint!"

Then it started spreading and I went back to the same people and complained that the 🤬 mint was taking over my herb garden, and they all said, "Well, yeah, you can't plant that right in the ground, you know."

Thanks for telling me that before, people! 😒

The worst part is...after planting it and trying it in several things, I don't like it. At all. Except in a mint julep.

Now I just go out every couple of weeks and pull it up, and pull it up, and pull it up.
When I first planted it, I asked all around about an herb garden, and over and over again, "You have to have mint! Mint!"

Then it started spreading and I went back to the same people and complained that the 🤬 mint was taking over my herb garden, and they all said, "Well, yeah, you can't plant that right in the ground, you know."

Thanks for telling me that before, people! 😒

The worst part is...after planting it and trying it in several things, I don't like it. At all. Except in a mint julep.

Now I just go out every couple of weeks and pull it up, and pull it up, and pull it up.

Ours is planted down the side of the house, no one goes down there !

You need to make mint sauce!!
I had it with my lamb last night.

No thanks, you can have my share. I hate mint. Didn't know that until I planted it and started trying it in stuff. It's disgusting.
The worst part is...after planting it and trying it in several things, I don't like it. At all. Except in a mint julep.

I'm not crazy about it, either, except in cocktails like a mint julep or a mojito. Do you have a mint julep on Derby Day? (For those not from the US, Derby Day is the day the Kentucky Derby is run -- rascal probably knew that).

I'm not crazy about it, either, except in cocktails like a mint julep or a mojito. Do you have a mint julep on Derby Day? (For those not from the US, Derby Day is the day the Kentucky Derby is run -- rascal probably knew that).


Yup I knew that, I'm on a few racing sites, galloping and harness that I check in every day. You familiar with Melbourne cup day?

Do you have a mint julep on Derby Day?
Yes, usually, and many other days besides. :)

It's the undertone of earthiness with mint that I don't like. We never had mint when I was growing up, the first time I ever tried it was just a few years ago. In my mind, "mint" means lifesavers candies, peppermint patties chocolates, and mint-chocolate-chip ice cream - sweet stuff, and when I smell mint, it smells sweet, but when I eat mint, it tastes sweet, then it gets kind of funky and dirty, like an old sock. :headshake:
Yup I knew that, I'm on a few racing sites, galloping and harness that I check in every day. You familiar with Melbourne cup day?


I don't follow horse racing. I know about the Kentucky Derby because it is a really big deal in the US. It is almost a national holiday. :laugh:

BTW, I've been to a Derby Day party. It was hoot.

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