What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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I’ve noticed the perennials I planted last year coming up. That’s a good sign. Looking forward to seeing how those do.
Ground has been prepared and seeds sown. Fingers crossed we will have a good show of bee and butterfly friendly flowers.
The ground is too wet to do much also we need to buy plants but still a little bit early yet.
Planting seed potatoes and lots of them. Food shortages are coming.
I've harvested all of my potatoes. The strawberries and raspberries are going for another flowering and fruiting. The snow peas are still producing but with the exception of the pear tree that's pretty much my veg plot done and dusted....oh and the coriander is producing loads of seeds which I need to work out how to harvest

I've harvested all if the garlic as well and am getting the ground ready for my winter crops to go in. Garlic, onion, leeks, sprouts and perhaps some more carrots, parsnips and beetroot before it gets too cold. I'll see what I can do this week....
There was a frost overnight so no gardening until this afternoon. Lawn mowing to start with then maybe some weeding.
Spent the day processing homegrown garlic


The peeled stuff more or less peeled itself. It was on the ground too long so the bulb split open and the skin went papery. The unpeeled stuff will store a while if kept away from the cold and dark (which triggers growth).

The peeled stuff has been processed, some pureed with oil and frozen in an ice cube tray, the rest immersed in olive oil and sealed in a 1L Kilner jar and put into the fridge. I shouldn't need to buy garlic again for a little while.
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I gave our pond a clean and added some liquid pond gunk cleaner. Not much else is happening as it is really cold today.
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