I weeded the veggie garden this weekend, got a couple of cucumbers so far. My fave tomato variety is laden with fruit, but none ripe yet. Just gotta be patient, I guess.
We had one patch of “garden” by the path to the backyard that we neglected for a few years, so it was basically just a giant weed patch. This year I wanted to clean it up, so I yanked all the weeds, but one very persistent box-elder stump just kept sprouting, year after year (I’ve been cutting it back since we moved in, it just regrows).
So I decided to do the “whack it with an axe” method. So I got my axe out, whacked it a bunch of times, managed to cut it down quite a bit and break it up a little, and proudly showed husband my progress. He grabbed the axe, and had the rest of it out in about 5 min (I’d been at it for half an hour at that point!)
In any case, I laid down a few layers of newpaper and some mulch, which will hopefully smother any remaining weeds. I’m hoping to be able to plant some nice groundcover in a couple years.
I also managed to twist my ankle and fall on my face while I was putting my tools away, so currently sitting here with an ice pack on my ankle.

We had one patch of “garden” by the path to the backyard that we neglected for a few years, so it was basically just a giant weed patch. This year I wanted to clean it up, so I yanked all the weeds, but one very persistent box-elder stump just kept sprouting, year after year (I’ve been cutting it back since we moved in, it just regrows).
So I decided to do the “whack it with an axe” method. So I got my axe out, whacked it a bunch of times, managed to cut it down quite a bit and break it up a little, and proudly showed husband my progress. He grabbed the axe, and had the rest of it out in about 5 min (I’d been at it for half an hour at that point!)
In any case, I laid down a few layers of newpaper and some mulch, which will hopefully smother any remaining weeds. I’m hoping to be able to plant some nice groundcover in a couple years.
I also managed to twist my ankle and fall on my face while I was putting my tools away, so currently sitting here with an ice pack on my ankle.