What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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I "harvested" the first habanero fruit today.
I ate the smaller piece. Jeeze was it hot?
My eyes watered, my nose ran and I couldn't speak for 5 minutes. It was 15 minutes before my mouth felt normal again.

This is a somewhat unusual requirement to read when following a recipe:

We recommend wearing gloves, a respirator and lab goggles when making habanero sauce.

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One of PsychoPoodle's favorite words. :laugh:

I used to know another dog that had that as a favourite word. He did on several occasions catch said squirrel as well. If you think a cat bringing a live mouse into the house is bad, you shouldn't have to guess at the result of a live squirrel being brought into the house!

He also did on one occasion bring the neighbour's cat into the house after literally catching it in the garden... The cat stayed away from the garden after that (yes, both parties were injured in that incident, but the cat did survive with only minor puncture wounds to the skin and only needed 5 or 6 stitches. No humans were amused at the time though. )
I used to know another dog that had that as a favourite word. He did on several occasions catch said squirrel as well. If you think a cat bringing a live mouse into the house is bad, you shouldn't have to guess at the result of a live squirrel being brought into the house!

He also did on one occasion bring the neighbour's cat into the house after literally catching it in the garden... The cat stayed away from the garden after that (yes, both parties were injured in that incident, but the cat did survive with only minor puncture wounds to the skin and only needed 5 or 6 stitches. No humans were amused at the time though. )

My yard has too many vertical escape routes for a dog to possibly catch a squirrel. He enjoyed trying, and I enjoyed watching him try, and inevitably fail.

This is a somewhat unusual requirement to read when following a recipe:

We recommend wearing gloves, a respirator and lab goggles when making habanero sauce.

View attachment 90375

I wear gloves when handling the chili peppers from my garden. That's all. That capsaicin does not wash off with a basic soap and water hand wash. The gloves protect my eyes (and nether regions) a few hours later when I have forgotten handling the chilis. :eek:

My yard has too many vertical escape routes for a dog to possibly catch a squirrel. He enjoyed trying, and I enjoyed watching him try, and inevitably fail.

This particular dog usually just followed the squirrel or cat up the tree and caught then at the 2m mark then gravity would take over and he'd land with the victim in his mouth. He did miss more often than catch, but caught surprisingly more often than was appreciated! He just run at the tree and carry on up it for at least a good bound or two. I did on one occasion have to deal with those consequences whilst out walking him whilst dog sitting. He didn't seen to appreciate that he wasn't meant to climb trees the way a cat it squirrel could!
And the next 10 days forecast!

That's not that dissimilar to here, only warmer than here, much warmer. (Currently single figures again, due to be 2°C overnight and it might get up to 17°C tomorrow on what will be our only dry day for the next 8 days (as far ahead as our forecasts go. )

We got lucky today at home with only 3.8mm of rain. We know how lucky we were at home because we got hit by one of those thunderstorms whilst out... one of the local weather stations that I know was in the path of the storm recorded 31mm in about 30 minutes. Usually you can see across the valley at the point, it's the narrow end of the lake, maybe 500m wide... you couldn't see across it. Driving was "interesting" and sure enough when wet got up onto the ridge and drive over to the 2nd ridge where we live, it was dry. The storm was very narrow, and long, like a pencil traveling along it's own length.... if you got hit, you knew about it.
Yep, all of yesterday, last night and all of today so far. Getting to the point where if we leave the house, there's no guarantee we'll get home again easily (80km diversion each way but even that sometimes gets flooded, so is closed). But we have to go out this morning for an important medical appointment...

I may suggest taking the 4×4 rather than the AWD. That way the backwoods will be less uncomfortable assuming that the culvert we have to cross isn't too deep....
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