What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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My elderly cat (she's 20) doesn't eat much any more. At the moment I'm buying her meat in gravy so she can at least eat a little and drink the gravy. She does drink a lot of milk though (proper milk from the farm, not supermarket watered down junk), and she occasional pinches a bit of the mutt's raw chicken.
The sun is out the sky is blueish :thumbsup:

The narciccus are looking good as are the crocus, the wild garlic is growing nicely and stuff is growing, planted bulbs last year but cannot remember what so it will be a pleasant surprise.
The sun is out the sky is blueish :thumbsup:

The narciccus are looking good as are the crocus, the wild garlic is growing nicely and stuff is growing, planted bulbs last year but cannot remember what so it will be a pleasant surprise.
Wild garlic - I am envious. We tried planting some a couple of years ago but it wouldn't take.
Wild garlic - I am envious. We tried planting some a couple of years ago but it wouldn't take.

We bought the bulbs a few years ago and planted them in 2 different parts of our back garden, 1 lot didn't do much so we dug up the bulbs, planted them in the front garden and waited to see what happened, not much last year but they look stronger this year. Looking forward to pungent wild garlic soup :thumbsup::soup:
We have had heavy rain over night and this morning so no gardening this weekend, the ground is wet through :(
Grape hyacinths growing beneath the quince bush.
March 29th 2018 (2).jpg
Heavy rain again yesterday, dry today but the rain is supposed to come back this evening and all day tomorrow. Everywhere is sodden :(
We are well in Autumn now. The driest one I can remember. My peaches are finished, I'm still picking tomatoes every day though a mild frost last week did some damage.

I did find 2 whopping huge cucumbers yesterday so I'll do some pickling today.

I had every intention of having some snow peas & fresh kale plants in by now but I really need to strip the patch of dead corn stalks and other debris first.
Grape hyacinths growing beneath the quince bush.
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I must buy some muscari bulbs. I'd really like a mixture of blue & white. There are a couple of random ones here but not enough.

Last year as soon as the leaves started to yellow I lifted a heap (possibly more than 1000) of jonquil bulbs from an area we are hoping to build a carport in. Most of them I stuck in various other beds or along the fence line but I left a container near the back door when I ran out of time. Fast forward 6 months and just this weekend I got sick of looking at them. It was the garden or the bin.

It's been so dry it was a minutes work using a hoe to scrape a horse shoe shaped trench around the outer circumference of the peach tree and I dropped them in there will nilly & covered them up before watering them in. 20 minutes work, tops.

If they survive at all it will be a miracle but if they don't at least the organic matter will feed the garden.
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