I'm not yet ready with the veg plot but it is covered over with black matting to stop the weeds and had been throughout the hottest part of summer so that should kill off the roots as well.
I'm getting ready to plant out the kale plants I brought from my old place . The plants themselves are several years old now but still keep in producing kale. I've got 3 different varieties growing. Once they are in and the 2 rhubarb plants moved to where the overflow for the water tank over flows into the veg plot (best and thickest, longest grass grew there) then I'll get the garlic, onions and leeks sown/in. But not all of the veg plot of fenced in yet so there needs to be a little more work done. Fencing to stop the odd wallaby/roo and chickens plus rabbits .
I'll want the remaining ground ready for potatoes ,beans carrots peas, etc in early spring