What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Although we have sun it is still quite cold and frosts are forecast for this coming week so we cannot put in any bedding plants.
Won't be planting much until May.

I did put some strawberry plants in containers (can cover if danger of frost) and added some pansies outside for pretty. I've been pruning the highbush blueberries that came with the property.

I'll be putting in raised beds soon, and am plotting what's to be going in them.
Yesterday a robin was hanging around but I didn't have anything as I was just mowing the lawn so he want to the back garden where my husband was working, there were lots for the bird to eat and boy did he eat, his belly must have been really full unless his lady was sitting on eggs and he was collecting food for her as well.
Over the past few weeks my husband has been busy in the back garden, cutting back bushes etc..he was out there this morning for about an hour but the sun was directly on him and it is really hot so he called it a day. I took my houseplants outside for a good drink of rainwater, the patio was shaded from the sun but it is still hot :heat:
A bit late in the year but propagating iceberg lettuces ATM. Winter brassicas are doing well. Still using spring onions from the garden. Carnations are just finishing and dahlias are beautiful ATM as well.

A very pretty wild pansy is growing in our back lawn

We have a camelia in our back garden which is getting on and at some point will be taken out so was thinking of taking cuttings, according to Google I could try putting them in water which would idea because we don't have rooting compound etc..any thoughts?
They are indeed.
My Grannie taught me about (UK) wild flowers as a kid. It's something I've not forgotten. She was very keen on them and like me hated seeing anything and not knowing what it was .

I was very keen as a kid on all kinds of natural history - but my memory is so bad I've forgotten lots of it!
Wild lesser celandines and bluebells in my garden - well I assume the bluebells are wild as I certainly didn't plant them and I've never seen them before in the garden.

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