What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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This is the variety of rosemary I have. I think it's called Brown Rosemary. It doesn't spread at all. As a matter of fact, one would be easily fooled into thinking it's not growing at all!

It also has a bitter, dry crumbly taste, so much so that even the rabbits and deer give it a miss!

It looks dead :unsure:
This is the variety of rosemary I have. I think it's called Brown Rosemary. It doesn't spread at all. As a matter of fact, one would be easily fooled into thinking it's not growing at all!

It also has a bitter, dry crumbly taste, so much so that even the rabbits and deer give it a miss!

:D However I do spy a glimmer of green in one plant at least. Is it possible they have lacked water? It could be worth watering them just to see...
The hotel I usually stay in when I do business in Las Vegas has rosemary hedges. I've never seen that before. They are bushy and groomed just like any other hedge. Las Vegas is in a desert.

Side note... I only go to Las Vegas when I have to for business, which is too often and sometimes for too long. It's a great place to visit, for a few days, once, IMO. My advice to people who have never been there, but want to go, is book a trip for three days. No more. That's enough.

I don't gamble. I throw my money away on cooking stuff and cars. :wink:


I Share your tastes of cooking and cars.

That fire is now out of control again and had ignited another. The local town (there's nothing between hamlet and town in Australia and it's barely bigger than hamlet which is 4 or 5 houses that can see each other) the local town had been told to evacuate. The fire is now in excess of 1,125 hectares and still burning. All fire fighters can do is dig, dig barriers then deliberately set fire to the burn zone and hope they get out right because there's no water.
Our old home has 1 road in and one road out, the same one. 12km of dirt road, some privately owned. The town being evacuated was our cross country exit route in the event of a fire! The gravel road in being the usual direct fires came in. It was why we purchased a full on 4x4 for me because i was home all the time. Not good at all. Fingers crossed for our former neighbours. The wind is due to swing round tomorrow which may help one front but will put their homes in a direct line with the fire. ;(

I see a 17 yo fire volunteer has been arrested for lighting 7 fires. What an a hole. The mentality???

I see a 17 yo fire volunteer has been arrested for lighting 7 fires. What an a hole. The mentality???

I've not read that.

Our fire has the place full of smoke today because cloud came in overnight. Until now we had been ok.

This is the fire, thankfully we no longer live there but we still have our doctors in the nearby vicinity. I was there only just this Tuesday and saw plenty of RFS activity (including reporting one fire myself whilst driving, I could actually see the flames so...)

View: https://m.facebook.com/StoneyCreekRuralFireBrigade/photos/a.225759794238365/1532756396872025/?

This was our escape route as recommended by the RFS when we lived in that area. The usual direction of fires coming (historically) from the direction of the only road out.

Unsurprisingly a total fire ban has been announced for today and level 4 (severe) of 6 given for risk for our area.

On a lighter note we have 3 new chicks this morning. They hatched yesterday, several days early which meant we lost 3 (2 were shrink wrapped which means the membrane dried out before they could extract themselves from the shell, given yesterday's heat and very low humidity that's unsurprising. The 3rd died from toxicity going by the smell of the egg sack which had gone bad). 2 more had fallen from the nest and were cold but i caught that at lock up. I noticed mum hadn't been out at all and checked as to why. Chicks should take 21 days from seeing the eggs under the hen with the first day being day 0. So they should have hatched on Sunday, Thursday is way too early so there could be complications. We've got a standby broody sitting on wooden eggs just in case. We were trying to break her because she raises feral chicks but loves sitting on eggs! Well now she's on eggs because this mum was on 2 clutches. Her initial 9 eggs and then 5 remaining eggs from her sister after her sister started eating the eggs rather than sitting on them (after several days). The remaining 5 were moved to this mum, so we could run into problems of she decides not to sit any longer... The idea was that I hand raise the chicks, just removing them as they hatched but ants have decided to nest in the lid of my chick coop and so I now need to replace the lid. 9pm in the dark last night wasn't the time to be doing that so mum had kept the chicks. I'll remove the likely girls and hand raise them so that they are friendly and not feral but it will have to be in a few days sadly. How well that will work is anyone's guess but I am already handling them and risking my v vicious broody attacking me each time I approach her! I'm trying the food distraction at three moment but am spring several bruises from her as it is!
These were not open yesterday, lilies the wife planted.



The corns about 3 ft high. All looking good.
Mine is about 6 inches high!
As good the peas, I do final have done snow peas but that is all. The only thing doing well are the potatoes tbh. They are finally growing and are now roughly 9 inches to maybe a foot high! Buy they are not Christmas stock, they are main crop with a 18 -22 week growing period and a recent frost left some damaged so I couldn't sew them any earlier. I'm still likely to see more frost this month as it is!
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