Our local garden center do a cracking breakfast, hardware stores do not
They wouldn't be allowed to serve breakfast even if they were open.
Our local garden center do a cracking breakfast, hardware stores do not
They wouldn't be allowed to serve breakfast even if they were open.
my ability to work in this heat 87 degrees F
Silly me. I seriously overestimated my stamina and my ability to work in this heat 87 degrees F
Thankfully the humidity is low. This morning I fiddled with my herb pots.
They sit on round concrete stones. After moving the pots I found lots of St. Augustine (lawn grass) and dollar weed (penny wort) growing under and around the pavers. Removed the pavers and treated the area with boiling water . I could have used chemicals but I am adverse to chemicals in the yard especially around culinary plants. I sometimes have to resort to biologics for tomato horn worms.
So after the boiling water treatment I used the weed eater. Then move the stones back into place. Then moved the herb pots .
George is almost through mowing the lawn. When done he will back the trailer of soil close to my garden boxes. Then I can work on refreshing the soil .
I can now see that I will be lucky to finish this project tomorrow. Actually not a bad thing. Working outside, being a "dirty girl ", sweating buckets and using muscles that have not been used in a while is wonderful therapy . So is anticipating the beautiful vegetables and herbs that I will harvest
G is almost done with the mowing . Back to work soon .
When you live in south Louisiana you adapt.