What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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So I did some weeding recently and found a dolls leg in the veg patch. I posted on Facebook, "oh noes, I've found someone's leg buried in the veg patch. I think I'll just rebury the evidence." "No grassing on me (see what I did there?)"

One of my friends, a lady friend at that, posted "never mind the leg I'd be more worried about the shadow!"

I wondered what on earth she meant, and then I saw it.

Waiting for the decking kit to arrive.
Are you going to post some photos? I'm interested in what you're getting, as it seems to have alarmed Morning Glory. :)

So I did some weeding recently and found a dolls leg in the veg patch. I posted on Facebook, "oh noes, I've found someone's leg buried in the veg patch. I think I'll just rebury the evidence." "No grassing on me (see what I did there?)"

One of my friends, a lady friend at that, posted "never mind the leg I'd be more worried about the shadow!"

I wondered what on earth she meant, and then I saw it.

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Well, when a fella finds a bit of leg, he's bound to get a little excited. :whistling:
Are you going to post some photos? I'm interested in what you're getting, as it seems to have alarmed Morning Glory. :)

Well, when a fella finds a bit of leg, he's bound to get a little excited. :whistling:
It is here, I will post the finished job, at the moment it is just a pile of planks.
So is this a rather big endeavor or more like an afternoon's casual assembly job? When I hear "decking kit," it sounds like it could go either way.
I'm going to take my time with it, as with any project the work is in the preparation, getting the footings level and everything set out. The advantage of buying it as a kit is that everything is pre cut and there is no waste. When complete it will be 3m × 2.5m and have a rope handrail, hopefully a bit like the website showed.

I'm going to take my time with it, as with any project the work is in the preparation, getting the footings level and everything set out. The advantage of buying it as a kit is that everything is pre cut and there is no waste. When complete it will be 3m × 2.5m and have a rope handrail, hopefully a bit like the website showed.

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Very nice! Looking forward to seeing a pic!
Tomato plants are growing, potatoes are doing well, courgette’s are flowering. I started off very enthusiastically but lockdown fatigue has set in (along with long working hours). Weather seems to be too cold, or too hot here.

Sounds like your gardening is going fine - especially since this is your first foray!
The Everglades tomato plants are growing like crazy and have some flowers on them. Can't wait until we have enough tiny tomatoes for a galette. The shiso is growing a few plants, but interestingly not in the pot I put the seeds in, which is just growing weeds. They seem to have jumped up about 1.5 feet to the pot next door. The shishito pepper seeds I put in the pot the shiso is growing in have possibly started sprouting. They have to get bigger before I can tell for sure. The Swiss Chard seeds I planted never did anything, but I didn't really expect anything since the seeds were several years old.

I ordered supplies and seeds to start a 10" x 20" window microgreens garden. I'm going to put it beside the basil pot we have in the kitchen. I ordered, among the several different kinds of seeds, more shiso and Swiss Chard, which I'll also try again outside.
This was once a flower bed. We have so many trees this is the only place we can grow anything that needs sun, so it's now a food garden. The big plant is a raspberry plant


Then we stuck a tomato in a pot in the edge of our other bed that gets very little sun.

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