Would you believe that the only side that has no windows faces west?!Hang them in a window -preferably west facing.

I'll get them in one of the windows.
Would you believe that the only side that has no windows faces west?!Hang them in a window -preferably west facing.
We have an abundance of sorrel at the moment. Other than putting it in a salad we really do not know what to do with it.
I have never used Sorrel. It sounds wonderful.Sorrel Soup Recipe (Green Borscht) - Great British Chefs
or here is HFW's
Sorrel recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Good with fish and eggs too:
Lemon sole with sorrel sauce
In my deep south region Rosemary is perennial. So is Thyme. Sage will last two or three years. Basil and Dill are annuals - a misnomer. Annual does not mean that the plant will last for a year. Annuals will last for a season. In my climate Dill and Basil are only good for a couple of months. They bolt (flower and seed) very quickly. I keep seeds sprouting to replenish my plants all spring/summer and fall. I have tried growing oregano unsuccessfully for several years. I am very pleased to say that I have two pots of happy oregano. Parsley and scallions are also doing well. We have had a lot of rain recently so water has not been an issue. I am disappointed with my tomatoes. I love Heirloom tomatoes. The problem is that they are not virus or disease resistant. I think I have a soil born virus issue.The only remedy is to empty my boxes and add new soil next season (fall).
It's winter in a week, peppers still turning red, and they are outside. Basil,still growing, I've never had it this late.My basil and pepper plants (planted this year) are healthy looking, but are barely growing. It is still May, so hopefully I just need to be patient.
Very pretty.
I do but they eventually get out of hand.As your basil starts to flower, cut the flowers off. If you keep doing that, the basil can't go to seed, and will keep growing. My basil plant survives until October, or even November. Every time I see new flowering "pods," I snip them off with scissors.
I wonder if this works with wild garlic plants?As your basil starts to flower, cut the flowers off. If you keep doing that, the basil can't go to seed, and will keep growing. My basil plant survives until October, or even November. Every time I see new flowering "pods," I snip them off with scissors.
I wonder if this works with wild garlic plants?
It's funny you should say that. I put this is sometime last year, out of boredom, using leftover pavers, bricks, and block that I had lying around. It's shifted/settled a bit now, but when I first finished it, it was rather sleek-looking, if I do say so myself, and I was quite pleased, because I have a reputation of half-assing projects like that.No headstone? Sorry that was mean.
It looks like you have a nice selection of herbs there.