What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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gimme a week or two....
I had to raid a garden center at the weekend. it seems that my seeds have decided that they are too old to germinate, so very little except red kale & broad beans has actually germinated. hubby got in some replacements a couple of weeks ago, but they had no beans or peas so yesterday we went and tried to get some... I managed a few peas, but the big find were 2 pots of sweet potatoes. now I just have to find some ground they will like. last year they failed totally because it was too wet for them. I'll have to think carefully. I've also had great fun buying some new seeds... just got to get them sown in the next day or two... at least the stuff that's needing a full season. carrots & lettuce, peas and a few others like beetroot I need to sew every few weeks.

I'll try for some pictures of the veg plot tomorrow if it doesn't rain (once home from doctors and physio).
My son and his wife have just bought a house outside Cincinnati. Since July, they´ve been fixing everything; every weekend, every spare moment, light fittings, skirting boards, electricity, painting walls, fixing this and that... then I turned up and son said " What can we do about the garden, dad?".
Naff all when the temperature outside is 4°C:hyper::hyper:.
But it rose a little bit last week and I started stripping all the weeds from the patch outside the kitchen, next to the deck. More work than it looked to start with, but I´m getting there.
Solution: rip the whole lot out and cover it in grass. I can plant some bulbs right now so they´ve got a bit of a flower show in Spring, but thats´s it. Problem solved, I hope.
My son and his wife have just bought a house outside Cincinnati. Since July, they´ve been fixing everything; every weekend, every spare moment, light fittings, skirting boards, electricity, painting walls, fixing this and that... then I turned up and son said " What can we do about the garden, dad?".
Naff all when the temperature outside is 4°C:hyper::hyper:.
But it rose a little bit last week and I started stripping all the weeds from the patch outside the kitchen, next to the deck. More work than it looked to start with, but I´m getting there.
Solution: rip the whole lot out and cover it in grass. I can plant some bulbs right now so they´ve got a bit of a flower show in Spring, but thats´s it. Problem solved, I hope.
it's not just bulbs that can be planted in winter (actually that's too late really).
consider some bare rooted trees, shrubs and bushes. roses, rhubarb, apples, pears, apricot, raspberry canes and more can only be planted bare rooted in winter and now is the time (for the northern hemisphere) to be doing that.
loads can actually be done in winter including soil prep.
In and around the garden, are the herbs, grape vine, olive trees, lemon tree, fig trees, applies, pears, apricot, damson and more.

it's not just bulbs that can be planted in winter (actually that's too late really).
Well I finished ripping out this horrible weedy thing, but in the mean time, uncovered loads of daffodil bulbs! Three plastic bags full, to be honest.
Bad news is that I´ve got to replant them all tomorrow.:laugh::laugh:
In and around the garden, are the herbs, grape vine, olive trees, lemon tree, fig trees, applies, pears, apricot, damson and more.

My wife would be in her nirvana there.
We planted 1 earlier this year. Bush has fruit atm. I picked another 20 raspberries this morning before kids come later. High of 29 today so weather is good.
Seems only down under are gardening atm.

woke to a fantastically warm 8.5°C this morning. I have spotted a couple of raspberries just starting to show pink but mostly life is only just starting in this garden. I think (?) I'm further south than you and 800-900m higher in altitude. Even compared to Canberra, our season starts a month or more later than theirs. My peas are just and I mean only just showing the first few flowers! My tomatoes that were naturally seeded/sown are about 5cm high and just showing their first true leaves. The shop bought ones care about 30cm high. Cucumber, courgette, squashes are 10-15cm and just putting their first buds out.
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