What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Spotted these 3 in the garden.
Yellow tailed black cockatoos. beautiful birds but just a destructive as the sulphur Crested white Cockatoos. One of these likely the middle are, is a chick being raised (determined by observation).
View attachment 77209

For those of us with older eyes, I bumped up the contrast of your photo so we can see the birds.

For those of us with older eyes, I bumped up the contrast of your photo so we can see the birds.

View attachment 77210
thank you - I don't have great editing SW on my tablet & because of the brightness of Australian sunshine, most devices run on full brightness for the screen.... I still reckon most people will miss the 3rd though, at least first time around! (Which is why I gave the number of birds to find). They are surprisingly large birds as well!
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