What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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thank you - I don't have great editing SW on my tablet & because of the brightness of Australian sunshine, most devices run on full brightness for the screen.... I still reckon most people will miss the 3rd though, at least first time around! (Which is why I gave the number of birds to find). They are surprisingly large birds as well!

Surprisingly, the lowest bird on the tree was the one I spotted first, although it took me a while.

Down under gardens are growing like triffids, picking and freezing daily, raspberries, strawberries, butter beans, peas, and fresh zuccs and cos lettuces along with iceberg. Cucumbers are about 8 inches long. New potatoes still digging. Chillies starting to pick as well. Flowers are amazing.
You guys up north will be hunkering down???
You guys up north will be hunkering down???

I can report there are primroses in flower in my garden. Not much else, but at least I have some flowers.

The other surprise is a lovage plant which is growing in a pot. It doesn't look hardy, as its a soft leaved herb (looks like flat leaved parsley) and in fact it didn't do much at all last summer but its definitely sprouting now in December.
Sadly very little survived the freak hailstorm on Boxing Day so I've pretty much lost most things. Raspberries and potatoes are about the only survivors. All the fruit has been lost. The apples that remain on the trees and badly bruised, browning and staring to decay. Leaves are ripped to shreds. I don't know about the pears but I'll hazard a guess they'll be similar. Even the red hot pokers have taken a battering. The rosemary isn't impressed with life, but it should recover. The thyme and savoury faired better because the house and the fuschia protected them. The lemons are dropping but i have plenty of juice so that's not a problem. I bottled 1½ litres of the stuff recently. It won't take long for new lemons to grow. Even the rhubarb is turning brown and dying back. It sound be ok. I've given up on the things like cucumbers, courgettes, squashes and so on.
Sadly very little survived the freak hailstorm on Boxing Day so I've pretty much lost most things. Raspberries and potatoes are about the only survivors. All the fruit has been lost. The apples that remain on the trees and badly bruised, browning and staring to decay. Leaves are ripped to shreds. I don't know about the pears but I'll hazard a guess they'll be similar. Even the red hot pokers have taken a battering. The rosemary isn't impressed with life, but it should recover. The thyme and savoury faired better because the house and the fuschia protected them. The lemons are dropping but i have plenty of juice so that's not a problem. I bottled 1½ litres of the stuff recently. It won't take long for new lemons to grow. Even the rhubarb is turning brown and dying back. It sound be ok. I've given up on the things like cucumbers, courgettes, squashes and so on.

I never saw the news about a storm. Heart breaking isnt it, I feel for you.
Raspberries this year seem sweeter than normal. We are still waiting on tomatoes to ripen, lots green ones. Everything else is ripe.

I never saw the news about a storm. Heart breaking isnt it, I feel for you.
Raspberries this year seem sweeter than normal. We are still waiting on tomatoes to ripen, lots green ones. Everything else is ripe.

It never made even the local news. 6km down the road didn't get hit. We did badly. Very badly. 60mm of rain in 1hr not counting hailstorm which just bounce off the rain gauge. In fact the old gauge was smashed.
This is my private YouTube channel that's got a few videos taken for insurance purposes.
We seriously thought we were going to end up with damaged vehicles or windows on the house smashed, so were recording for that reason.

Canberra has been hit twice since then. On the news both times. Our friends are still without electricity after last Friday's storm. They are not sure to get it back until this Sunday!
It never made even the local news. 6km down the road didn't get hit. We did badly. Very badly. 60mm of rain in 1hr not counting hailstorm which just bounce off the rain gauge. In fact the old gauge was smashed.
This is my private YouTube channel that's got a few videos taken for insurance purposes.
We seriously thought we were going to end up with damaged vehicles or windows on the house smashed, so were recording for that reason.

Holy shit sherlock.

Holy shit sherlock.

They are freak summer storms about 5km wide if that... we reckon we had over 100mm of rain in the space of 90 minutes or so taking the hail into account. That's guesswork from experience by the flooding we had and by the known 60mm of rain that the weather station recorded.
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