Managed to get some stuff done in the garden before the rain started. I lost a couple of my tomato plants to critters, but I had some spare backup plants, so those went into the ground. I added some straw mulch as well.
Round the front, I weeded about half of the main bed (there’s so much more to do!), and took stock of what’s what - I did some some common milkweed take hold in the bed I refer to as “the useless dirt patch”. Butterfly weed is up and look like it will bloom, and much to my surprise, it looks like the bee balm that looked awful last year survived the winter. One of my liatris plants appears to have died, but the other’s coming along. Scarlet coneflower husband planted for me last fall died, but I bought a purple one so I stuck that in the empty spot.
There’s a lot more to do, but it’s coming along!