What's going on in your garden (2023)?

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It has turned cold for the first time this year. We have a chance at frost (but not a full freeze) for the next three nights. I have my pepper plant and basil covered with a sheet, so frost can't settle on them. The pepper plant is covered with not quite ready cayenne peppers.


That left red frame was where my jalapeño was. It died mid summer, for some reason.

Garden is full of plants. Corn and beans look good . Great crop of coriander/cilantro all grown from seed. Potatoes are healthy. Peas are not quite ready to pick and freeze.
23 deg c today.
Salad from our garden. Lettuce radishes and spring onions also.

I got out until the veg plot before the sun came out this morning...

I guess I picked about 1250g of raspberries in total but quite a few didn't make it from the canes to the bag.


The rhubarb is looking good as well and the strawberries might start ripening by the end of next week. The chard is about head height, so I'll harvest that just as soon as I'm up to making a chard caper tofu roll. The tatties are coming along nicely and the garlic will need the scapes cutting off soon.

The beans and peas are struggling a touch, probably too dry for them, but I do have some chickpeas starting to grow, along with loads more raspberries, currants and other seedlings. The sweet potatoes are also staring to grow. My fennel might also be ready to harvest soon as well.
At the moment, for to a lack of rain, the raspberries are taking a bit longer to ripen. We're due a week of rain starting very soon, so I'm trying to avoid watering the veg plot, but the raspberries and rhubarb are taking over.

Just the ½kg made it from the canes to the freezer today.


I think I'll need to cut and blanch the chard next. It's about 1½m high and trying to compete with the rhubarb.
At the moment, for to a lack of rain, the raspberries are taking a bit longer to ripen. We're due a week of rain starting very soon, so I'm trying to avoid watering the veg plot, but the raspberries and rhubarb are taking over.

Just the ½kg made it from the canes to the freezer today.

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I think I'll need to cut and blanch the chard next. It's about 1½m high and trying to compete with the rhubarb.

So jealous of you picking already . Strawberries are forming. All salads stuff is ready.propagating more plus chillies.
Pumpkin planted out from mates seeds. We liked his pumpkin last year.

FINALLY getting the garden under control. The gardener came on Thursday, got rid of all the overgrown hedge, cut the front and side lawns (not huge), and tidied the garage/driveway. Yesterday I attacked the weeds around the bromeliads, and managed to clean up 15 mts (only another 15 to go!), then trimmed the hedge in front. The local council came on Thursday as well and cleaned up the roadside jungle. In Venezuela it's the council's job to maintain the roads AND the grass verges. They rarely do, but this week, someone must have slipped them $500, because they even cut down the dead palms, which were an eyesore. This afternoon, I went outside and cleared up the mess they made, so finally we're getting back to almost normal. Good thing is, the "dry" season is almost upon us (December to May) so what we cut down now will (hopefully) not grow so quickly.
I had to go in and rescue the strawberry plants today.


The rhubarb is taking over again. So it was time for a pull and harvest. I cut about a ¼ down, and harvested maybe a sixth of what I cut back....


That's a lot of rhubarb in that container. No water added whilst cooking, so that's all flavour. Hubby helped himself to a big bowl of it after lunch.


On the other side of the red currant bush is by raspberry patch. It's not a large patch by any means, maybe 1m wide by 2-2½m long. I got another ½ kg of raspberries from there again today.


I noticed that my red currants are starting to ripen as are the strawberries. They are now starting to go from green to white and plump up. I'll need to water them if this rain doesn't materialise.


That's the strawberry patch with a newly planted variety of raspberry at the back. I managed to source my very favourite raspberries back in the autumn and needed somewhere to get their feet in the ground. They've adapted well and have only been growing for 6 months if that! The variety is tulameen before you ask.


To the side of this photo is my chard That's going to seed, my potatoes, my 6 roots of garlic and just coming into view the New Zealand yams that look like sorrel or clover. They are even easier to grow that potatoes and you can eat then raw or cooked.

Sadly the aubergine plants are struggling from a lack of water. Hopefully they'll catch up soon. That empty space is where my beans and peas are meant to be. Few have germinated. I do have some chickpea plants growing though. And the stuff against the wire is for shading. It's Jerusalem artichokes and the flowers attract pollinators to the veg plot and provide more shade to the plants on the north side of the veg plot which is always the driest and first to wilt and die. So I'm trying a new tactic this year.

There is also a potato area behind me, not photographed, plus the herbs are all elsewhere, as are the fruit trees and tomatoes and sweet potatoes. I'm waiting for the squash to realise it's summer and start growing! It's too dry for them at the moment.
I had to go in and rescue the strawberry plants today.

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The rhubarb is taking over again. So it was time for a pull and harvest. I cut about a ¼ down, and harvested maybe a sixth of what I cut back....

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That's a lot of rhubarb in that container. No water added whilst cooking, so that's all flavour. Hubby helped himself to a big bowl of it after lunch.

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On the other side of the red currant bush is by raspberry patch. It's not a large patch by any means, maybe 1m wide by 2-2½m long. I got another ½ kg of raspberries from there again today.

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I noticed that my red currants are starting to ripen as are the strawberries. They are now starting to go from green to white and plump up. I'll need to water them if this rain doesn't materialise.

View attachment 107263

That's the strawberry patch with a newly planted variety of raspberry at the back. I managed to source my very favourite raspberries back in the autumn and needed somewhere to get their feet in the ground. They've adapted well and have only been growing for 6 months if that! The variety is tulameen before you ask.

View attachment 107264

To the side of this photo is my chard That's going to seed, my potatoes, my 6 roots of garlic and just coming into view the New Zealand yams that look like sorrel or clover. They are even easier to grow that potatoes and you can eat then raw or cooked.

Sadly the aubergine plants are struggling from a lack of water. Hopefully they'll catch up soon. That empty space is where my beans and peas are meant to be. Few have germinated. I do have some chickpea plants growing though. And the stuff against the wire is for shading. It's Jerusalem artichokes and the flowers attract pollinators to the veg plot and provide more shade to the plants on the north side of the veg plot which is always the driest and first to wilt and die. So I'm trying a new tactic this year.

There is also a potato area behind me, not photographed, plus the herbs are all elsewhere, as are the fruit trees and tomatoes and sweet potatoes. I'm waiting for the squash to realise it's summer and start growing! It's too dry for them at the moment.

Our peas are nearly ready to pick and freeze. I love rhubarb but wife doesn't so we dont grow it. Nuts.

My raspberries are having a good time at the moment...


I actually picked over 1kg, but let's just say not all made it to the kitchen scales.

There were also the start of the red-currants and the strawberries (250g) are just about starting as well. They're in for a tough week ahead though if the weather forecast is anything to go by.

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