@morning glory
The Oxtail in Southern Spain is all muscle and relatively no fat .. It is a classic legacy in Madrid and southern Spain during the month of May ..
It is not too common here in Cataluna .. We had prohibited this mass slaughter a number of years ago. It is a big business ( bullfighting) ..
@morning glory
The Oxtail in Southern Spain is all muscle and relatively no fat .. It is a classic legacy in Madrid and southern Spain during the month of May ..
It is not too common here in Cataluna .. We had prohibited this mass slaughter a number of years ago. It is a big business ( bullfighting) ..
@The Late Night Gourmet
I have several authentic ox tail récipes, however, oxtail in Madrid and southern Spain are predominately served as stews or "estofados" not in soups ..
It is quite delicious .. It is quite a legendary classic outside of Cataluna ..
If you would like a récipe, just let me know .. As I mentioned, it is really " bull´s tail " not ox which we normally affiliate with an Asian Ox .. These are the tails of a typical black bull -- probably what you call Angus .. It is a highly revered gastronomic delicacy if one knows how to prepare properly and as mentioned, there is no fat as the tails are muscles not flesh ..