What's the best tip you ever received from a professional chef?

I am friends with a professional chef, though, we are both young and inexperienced so I don't think he is that much of a professional yet, but he has taught me to taste as many ingredients as possible so that I can have a library of tastes in my head that I would know how to combine on command.
Years ago I spent two years working in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant in Toronto. The chef there was really lovely, and would always take time to share some of his excellent knowledge on various things. The one thing I remember him reiterating time after time was to always taste the food you cook before you serve it. That stayed with me, and several times I've stopped someone I know from serving something because I haven't seen them taste it - usually they quickly realize that they haven't seasoned a dish correctly which can spoil its impact entirely. Taste at every different stage, and adjust your seasonings accordingly.
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