What's the part of cooking you enjoy the most?

"Eating the food" is so obvious an answer that it almost fees like cheating.

But there's also little moments like when you start smelling the aromatics cooking, or you flip the meat and it's nice and golden brown with a fond left in the pan.

There's also the satisfaction of seeing an idea realized. It's no longer just a thought in your head, its now sitting there in front of you.
In no particular order:

The enjoyment of friends I serve to. (This is something that can't happen often these COVID-y days). I live alone so I mostly cook for me.

The aromas and tastes of something I've never made before, that ends up thrilling my soul. There're enough "hits" that I don't really mind just cooking for me most of the time.

The actual process: I enjoy being outdoors at the grill. (Warmer than it is now, which is currently 4 degrees F, up from 0 F....) Checking through the herbs and spices and sauces to see what might tingle the palate, or be appropriate, or might kick, say, eggplant or chicken thighs off into a different direction. I enjoy rolling Vietnamese summer rolls, for which I sit at the dining table and lay out everything all around. (NO ankle strain on that poor ankle with a plate and pins in it).
Impressing myself and hubby with how fantastic something tastes, especially if it's a recipe I created. We rarely entertain these days unless it's the in-laws, and that's not often, so I can only go by what we think if it.
My favorite part of cooking is baking a cake & they come out looking perfect, like THESE two did!!! I hated to cut them because they looked so good!! :whistling:
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