What's this?

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will animal, vegetable, dairy, etc give it away?

or water or oil based that gives it the sheen, water inclusive of juices, etc that would be water soluble.
will animal, vegetable, dairy, etc give it away?

No - I could have said animal.


You got it. Top of a boiled egg. Its that curiously British way of serving eggs which I understand you guys over the pond don't often do. Is it true that you don't even have egg cups?

Lol, umm, yes, we have egg cups.

Yes, we've only recently crawled out from under rocks... in caves... near a bog..., but we have them.

I'll post a pic of my flame orange Le Crueset egg cups when I get a chance.
Either I am living in a parallel universe or there is a time delay factor going on here! Why do I keep posting a guess to the previous quiz when someone else has already guessed it? Answers please on a postcard...
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