What's this?

That is an overload of dairy. I do not know what that recipe might be but I am less interested to know because I am lactose intolerant and would stay away from too much milk or dairy. On the second thought it does not make sense to me to be honest. Hope if that is a recipe it is something that people here can use
@classic33 good try but you didn't fool me. :rolleyes:

@morning glory here is his answer. It is there, you just have to look for it!

@classic33 good try but you didn't fool me. :rolleyes:

@morning glory here is his answer. It is there, you just have to look for it!

View attachment 1211

Well, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I am not as bright as I thought. I really should have got that straight away. I have now worked out how to see it! And after pondering, my ancient knowledge of HTML cranked into action I realised it must be done like this:
Now I really hate you @classic33!

An excellent effort BTW @classic33 I'll post the answer tomorrow.
You mean you're certain. You do a lot of online shopping there then![/USER]!
I'll pass...
Tried to post the solution to you privately but couldn't get it to work. I think you have blocked private posts.

The way you do it (and it did take me a while to work out), is that you click on the Capital A (with the underline) in the tool bar when you write a message. This allows you to post a text with the fonts in different colours. So if you choose white as the colour it won't show up against the white background.of the message. If you hi-light it, then it will. Try hi-lighting the following: Slight of hand!

Sorry to let your secret out, @classic33 !
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