sauerbraten mitt kartoffelklosse und rotkohl
Excellent ! We need more German to be spoken on the forum.
Rotkohl I can unpick (red cabbage, I guess), and kartoffel is potato - but kartoffelklosse ???
Potato dumplings, about the size of a ball used to play boules. Maybe a little smaller. My oma stuffed them with celery, onion and herb bread cubes that had been sauteed in butter
They sound great - good autumn/winter food. I shall google some recipes for these, I think. As I'm mostly vegetarian, anything that helps me to fill me up in the really cold months (and which tastes good) is always of interest. And these look like just the job. Thanks
That potato/celery combination you mentioned has also just reminded me of a Tuscan dish that I used to make 20-odd years ago. Yet more googling, I think ...
Excellent ! We need more German to be spoken on the forum.
I guess I chose the worst possible day of the year on which to wind up Madame Glory....