What's Your Favorite (Food) Color?

Favourite food colour - either green or red, preferably both together.
On the other hand, colour of favourite foods would probably be brown - a seared steak, a slow cooked lamb shank, roasted potatoes, a loaf of bread fresh from the oven.
Clothes - mainly greens and browns, but blue shirts.

I tend to stick with denim blue for jeans these days (after retiring) although I do keep a varied colour of shirts.

my week.jpg
:laugh:. He is quite a handsome type though. My hubby likes to wear tweed jackets and likes brown and green too.

I agree that he is quite a dish! He looks a bit too pleased with himself though, for my taste. I think brown and green tweedy material is good for not showing up the dirt. Maybe that is why it is favoured by country gents.
@morning glory

Thank you for the inspiration!

I will have to incorporate those beautiful colors in my version of Bourguignon.

Beware - the colour of the purple carrots leaches out and they turn a muddy colour if you boil them. I have roasted them before and then they do retain the colour much better:

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