Which cuisines float your boat.

I wasn't aware that salmon was classified as seafood. I can eat fish. I had the reaction to lobster so was told to avoid shellfish. So, I avoid lobster, crab, shrimp, etc..
If it is a fish, it is seafood. It appears shellfish and crustaceans' are your issue. Finned fish such as salmon are also seafood, but an entirely different set of animals than the invertebrates (ie lobster and shellfish).
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If it is a fish, it is seafood. It appears shellfish and crustaceans' are your issue. Finned fish such as salmon are also seafood, but an entirely different set of animals than the invertebrates (ie lobster and shellfish).

You're right. I was surprised when I read the question because I don't categorize fish as seafood. I learned something new!
Floating my boat: Just about any east Asian cuisine (Vietnamese and Korean and Japanese are my favorites although there are a few more "obscure" ones I have yet to try).

Greek food. Except the desserts. Too sweet, too many nuts.

Cajun and Creole.

Indian foods.

Just about any cuisine that does something with fish or shellfish - but I think I'll skip bacalao or Icelandic fermented fish.
Hello - My first non-intro post here:

I like cuisines with a lot of variety, so I guess my list reflects this going down:

Chinese (esp.Cantonese)

I've been to all these places and attempted to cook something from all of them. :)
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