Which "go to" herb do you grow the most?


13 Apr 2014
Local time
3:17 PM
I'm always interested to hear which herb people grow and use the most.

I would have to say mine is basil. We use it a lot in cooking and I have to admit that I love the smell when I brush by the plants in the morning. I do it on purpose!

I also use it as a companion plant. It helps ward off some common garden pests and assists with the overall quality of vegetables like tomatoes. Mosquitoes and flies don't like it so it helps to plant it around the backyard sitting area.
I don't think I have a single 'go to' herb that I use most often. Parsley, coriander (cilantro) and thyme all feature heavily in my fresh herb usage and grow right outside my door (as well as having tons of them frozen in the freezer).
I don't have any outdoor space but I like to grow herbs in my apartment on the kitchen windowsill. The window faces south so it gets plenty of light and it has a nice deep sill. I have chives and mint growing there and I'm thinking of adding basil, because I cook a lot of pasta.
When I only have to cook for myself, I frequently eat just a bowl of pasta. I always add basil and butter. I also like to add a little fresh garlic once in a while.

During the winter, I grow some indoors because I prefer the taste of fresh basil over dried. The correct ratio is 3 (fresh) to 1 (dried) but it never looks like I am adding enough dried basil. So, I tend to add too much when using dried herbs.
I'm not great at growing herbs, but I have a nice sturdy rosemary bush that came with my yard, and that thing is amazing.

I do have a couple of little mint plants, but rarely use them except for mojitos now and then in summer. I should probably do more with those to be honest.
Mint, probably because I have so much of it. I grow basil indoors so I always have a supply of fresh which is really nice in the winter.
Absolutely love basil either ripped over a simple mozzarella, tomato and truffle oil salad or blended into a homemade pesto...yummy!
Yes, that's a delicious way to eat mozzarella. I will put the tomato and mozzarella concoction - sometimes with garlic - under the broiler for a minute or so and it really adds to the flavor.
I have two herbs that I grow the most, basil and chives. These two are so easy to grow and I like having them in the house because I probably use one or the other at least 5 nights out of the week. As others have said I absolutely love the smell of basil and love walking into my apartment kitchen and having it smell so good. I grow a lot of other herbs too and for the most part they are all plentiful, but some grow faster than others.
I agree that some herbs help ward away insects. That's why I grow lemon grass and chives. Aside from those two I also have wild chili peppers growing in a pot. These are all easy-to-grow herbs because I don't really have a green thumb and these herbs don't require much space. The chili pepper is a staple herb in our kitchen as we always use it, both as a condiment and an ingredient for almost every dish. We love spicy food.
We use lemongrass a lot for grilling chicken and for seafood stews.
I love rosemary straight from my garden. Pick it, pull leaves back off the stem, then chop them up and put them in soups, stews, and spaghetti sauce.
Mine is also basil! I learned how to grow it with an aunt, and now I can't live without it! It's so easy to grow and adds so much to the taste and flavor of food! I also love to grow peppers but they are harder for me, I don't know if I'm bad at it or it's where I live, but they have a hard time growing here.
Mine would be basil as well because I find it to be the least likely to overpower my food and it can go with a lot more dishes. I don't usually use that much herbs in my cooking though as I usually just use a more Asian sle of cooking wherein the ingredients are mostly just soy sauce and sesame oil and rice wine.
I would have to say basil. I cook pasta all the time, and basil is one of my staple ingredients. I really love making pesto sauce, too. :)
Dill! :) I can always buy fresh basil in the market, and I can never seem to grow enough for my needs anyway, so I usually just buy this.

But I've never found a store that sells fresh dill, and I love to cook with dill, especially with sandwich fillings. :)
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