Forum GOD!
Some heirloom tomato varieties are still green when ripe, some are yellow, some purple, some variegated. There's a picture on here somewhere of a burrata, heirloom tomato salad with a balsamic drizzle we've made several times.Those flowers are stunning set at the table. If I saw correctly the tomato soup is green? Is it green tomatoes then? Anyways, I would try all except the overly sweet, gluten and dairy stuff...possibly the desserts...although they look beautiful and crafty...perhaps I would look forward to hearing tales and stories from Kenya and the Us, I love storytelling...should there be any good storytellers present...what a brilliant idea for a thread though!
And agreeing with SandwichShortOfAPicnic , I would hope as an invitee that my diet restrictions would be met, so surely, this was tailored to the Kenyan guests, and also featuring some Us delicacies...that need to be showcased...
There is a huge issue in Haiti right now with gangs and war lords taking over. Some are trying to form a new government and Kenya was requested to send military/police aid to quell the violence, including murder, kidnapping for ransom, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Haiti is an extremely poor nation, not only monetarily but in natural resources as the land and ocean have basically been stripped. All of the issues are long standing and I doubt will ever be fixed because corruption is so much a part of the culture. The Kenyan president was here to discuss aid and how to help Haiti among other things. The U.S. has supplied humanitarian aid but we are not sending troops. There's a reason for that and there's a reason the Kenyan help was requested. The gangs and war lords will more than likely deal better with Kenyans than Americans.
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