Who Likes Apple Butter?!!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:34 AM
Brighton, MA.
Does anyone like apple butter?
I've ordered some apple butter in THESE small disposable containers - 200 to a box. You use one & you're done with it. No waste, no dried up apple butter left in a jar to get molded & have to throw away!! Once you're done with one, you discard the empty container & the next time that you want to use another, you do the same thing. Nice!! :whistling:
Smucker's Apple Butter..jpg
Yes! And pear butter…and plum butter…

I still have yet to try pear butter or plum butter, but I LOVE apple butter, & I've been eating it since I was a kid, my siblings also! I even once thought about making some of it, but never got around to it. We all used to take peanut butter & apple butter sammies to school for lunch. I'd put it on toast after putting butter on it!! There are many ways to enjoy it. It's one of those things that you'd keep on hand all the time, just to make sure that you had it in the house!! :whistling:
I've been eating it ever since I was a child, & I've never lost my love for it. I've just gotten so tired of it drying up in the jars & spoiling. Which is why I'm getting it in the little packets. :whistling:
And I can't give it a fair description. It's different. I can't think of something to say, "It tastes like this."


It tastes sort of like apple pie to me. I guess that it's pretty much made the way that you'd do it at home. The taste IS practically indescribable. :unsure: :unsure:
I personally cannot stand the taste of apple butter, and I certainly wouldn't buy 200 disposable containers, even if I liked it, and contribute to that carbon footprint. That would be like buying 200 individual servings of grape jelly, instead of just buying a jar for home use.
I personally cannot stand the taste of apple butter, and I certainly wouldn't buy 200 disposable containers, even if I liked it, and contribute to that carbon footprint. That would be like buying 200 individual servings of grape jelly, instead of just buying a jar for home use.

Throwing away half a jar of moldy apple butter isn't much less wasteful. GadgetGuy may be buying the way he needs to buy for his circumstance.

Throwing away half a jar of moldy apple butter isn't much less wasteful. GadgetGuy may be buying the way he needs to buy for his circumstance.


Thank you!! As long as it stays in the little containers it won't go bad it's the air that makes it spoil if it is left open too long. Similar to vacuum sealing food. You do it to keep out air & other contaminants. Air is usually the enemy of most foods. Trust me, I've been doing this for a long time now. :whistling:
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