Wild (?) Animals and the Modern World

Wyatt Earp owned a few gold mines near where we visit the Colorado River to boat and run our off road vehicles.
Burros that worked the mines were turned loose and their descendants still populate the area:


It’s sad to see them hit on the Highway. They over populate the area fast. Birth control was met with opposition so in the meantime there is an annual round up and they adopt them out.
WiFie manages to get a few friends to adopt them each year.

Nice clean facility visitors welcome. Friendly staff ok to feed the livestock.
There is a soap factory next to the facility and wife is very suspicious about that.
Wyatt Earp owned a few gold mines near where we visit the Colorado River to boat and run our off road vehicles.
Burros that worked the mines were turned loose and their descendants still populate the area:

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It’s sad to see them hit on the Highway. They over populate the area fast. Birth control was met with opposition so in the meantime there is an annual round up and they adopt them out.
WiFie manages to get a few friends to adopt them each year.
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Nice clean facility visitors welcome. Friendly staff ok to feed the livestock.
There is a soap factory next to the facility and wife is very suspicious about that.

Cute :love:
Dead skunks, opossum, armadillos are common on the road side
Cats, dogs and squirrels.
Dead deer are not uncommon on the side of the Interstate and major highways. I saw a HUGE wild hog dead on the Interstate.
Alligators and snakes .
The weirdest thing I have seen was a migration of crawfish across what used to be the main highway between Lafayette and Baton Rouge
MILLIONS of crawfish were migrating from one side of the highway to the other. Vehicles would crush the mud bugs, slide in the slime and crash into other vehicles.
We were once travelling down one of the motorways at a ridiculously early hour and the whole of our side of the central reservation was a sea of rabbits for about a hundred yards or so. Later on in the same journey, just after we'd left the motorway, a motorist had had to stop because a deer had jumped out of the woods straight into the back of his convertible car.
In our little bit of east London we have had resident red kites for a couple of years now on one of the nearby farms but I have only seen them in the last couple of months or so. One despatched a magpie that was on my old TV aerial on my garage roof. We very rarely get visited by gulls now, although I have seen some remains about. Maybe they met the same fate.

And in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be illegal, badger setts have been torn up to build cycle tracks
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