I think this story might fit here:
This happened while we were living in the UK, over near Huntingdon. We'd been in-country for a couple of years, had done a lot of the more popular tourist destinations, and by this point, were going to places not all that frequented by Americans.
I can't remember exactly, but I think we were going up to Durham, and it was mid-week, and kind of off-season for tourists. We'd ambled up, taking backroads and stopping here and there, no real point in mind, just wasting a few days of leave, and we'd stopped in at a little pub somewhere for lunch.
I have to point out, it's a much different mindset when you live somewhere versus just visiting; no matter how many times you visit and are familiar with a place, it's just different when you're paying utility bills and shopping on the economy and there for the long haul.
Anyway, we were about halfway through lunch, when the group of four who were there when we walked in finished up and went to leave.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help noticing that you're American, is that right?" - asked the older American woman in the group.
Now, I have a thing about being interrupted when I'm eating. I like my hot food to be hot and I want to eat it when it's hot, so I get fairly annoyed by any kind of butting in when the knife and fork are in play. But, I was raised with manners, so I didn't stab her.
MrsTasty said, "Yeah, that's right. My husband is in the military and were stationed here."
That started a whole conversation, mainly with questions asking where we lived and what I did and where did my wife work and how do taxes work out and do you get paid in British money and be honest the food is crap isn't it and doesn't everyone talk funny and how in the world do you get used to driving on the wrong side of the road and what's it like trying to get used to just four TV channels and everything is so expensive and...well, IOW, my bangers and mash or whatever it was, wasn't getting any hotter while these people blabbed on and on.
Finally, they scooted off, and we politely smiled at them, gave a little wave as they were going through the door, and as soon as the door shut, both of us dropped our fake grins, and without any sense of irony or trying to be funny, MrsTasty grumbled:
"Bloody Americans!"