@ElizabethB, we check in to our timeshare on Friday, 11-10. When we leave depends on how many stops along the way. Hubby has cousins in Williamsburg, VA, we have friends in Portsmouth, VA, our niece lives in Orlando, FL, and a high school friend and her hubby live between our niece and the timeshare. We usually take her out to eat and visit on Thursday, then meet our friends for lunch on the way to the resort on Friday. There is also another couple we are friends with that we'll try to see - we could visit with them on the way back.
At the moment (subject to change) I'm thinking a few stops along the coast on the way home, then Williamsburg for our anniversary. We have warm spots in our hearts for both Kings Arm Tavern and Christiana Campbell's.
I don't spend much time online when we travel, unless you count checking out places to go, menus to view, and directions to get.
I will stop by, however, so you all don't forget me.