Your CookingBites avatars

Well I guess I'm at an advantage then as my screen name is the same as my avatar. Or do you just think of me as blue flower?

Yours is the easiest to remember for me because it matches your username. I planted Morning Glories at my first house so I usually think of the fond memories I had there when I had my family. I love the vibrant blue in your avatar.
Yours is the easiest to remember for me because it matches your username. I planted Morning Glories at my first house so I usually think of the fond memories I had there when I had my family. I love the vibrant blue in your avatar.

My favourite flower. :okay:

Hanging Basket

Those are petunias, I think. Certainly not ipomoea.
TR changes his Avatar on a regular basis. Fun and funny. Burt - you are who you are - love you! MG - I think if I ever met your personality would fit your avatar. medtran49 The avatar is cute but I do not get the medtran thing. SatNavSaysStraightOn your avatar is a strong, leather clad, Amazon woman. Considering your life with you disabilities it suits you. I do not get the SatNavSaysStraightOn reference.
I guess everyone has a story behind their forum name and their avatar. I used my Queen Bee avatar on a gardening forum. I like it. Hidden beneath the wrinkles and excess weight of age there resides the DIVA of my youth. I miss her.
My previous avatar offended Morning Glory so I changed it. I hope I'm not seen now as a "bug" it's actually a huhu grub here found in trees. I don't think that's offensive.
I don't remember what my original was????

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