Your Favorite TV programs

We watch a lot of BritTV through Acorn and Britbox (and BBCA to a lesser extent). Stuff we're watching or have watched:

Upstairs, Downstairs
All Creatures Great And Small
Graham Norton
Last Of The Summer Wine
Miss Marple (in all her incarnations)
Sherlock Holmes (in all his incarnations)
The In-Betweeners
Count Arthur Strong
Dad's Army
The Champions
Lots of one-off Agatha Christie stuff
The Queens Of Mystery
Agatha Raisin
Loch Ness
Doctor Who (classic and new)
Father Ted
That Mitchell And Webb Look
The Other One
All In Good Faith
Monarch Of The Glen
Travels With My Father
Lots of light documentaries, especially with the intriguing Lucy Worsley
The Crown
The White Queen
American Gods
And loads and loads of others

Hemlock Grove
Umbrella Academy
Party Down
Holey Moley
The Good Doctor
Saturday Night Live

And lots of giallo and '70's exploitation films and '60's-'80's low-budget horror/mystery/sci-fi/fantasy movies.

What about The Fast Show? One of my favourite ever comedy shows. I don't know why the comedy worked, it just did. From characters like Rowley Birkin QC with his disjointed rambling that always ended up with "but I'm afraid I was very, very drunk."

The feller who would step out of his Port a Cabin and say "Today I be mostly eating taramasalata."

The chap who would be sent by his wife to get eggs, milk and flour, and when he got back she would ask "did you get what I asked for?" He would then say, "Even better than that I bought (something really stupid)"

Arabella Weir's characters were awesome, from the woman who, when chatting with her lady friends would be saying, "yeah, I'm gonna get the new Subaru Impreza, 350BHP, engine like a tank, turns on a sixpence and all wheel drive." Then as soon as a chap walks in she goes all girly and says, " Oh hewwo, we were just talking about cars and I was wondering if I should buy a red one or a blue one."
Or the woman in the boardroom who says, "Well I think we should make noises about selling our shares in Dupont which will give us leverage when dealing with Allied Holdings. In realty of course we will be leading with a buy out of Tech Incorporated at a knock down price."
Cue silence. And then one of the guys would repeat verbatim what she'd just said, and the others would say, "what a splendid idea."

Competitive dad.

And the wonderful unrequited love between the Lord of the Manor, Ralph, and Ted his gamekeeper/handyman. I could never work out if Ted reciprocated or not.

I think it was called 'Brilliant' in the States.
Just remembered I loved Dallas as well when I was a teen. Crazy show, if you missed one episode you wouldn’t understand anything of the next one there was always so much going on. Patrick Duffy has the same birthday as me we were just born in different years obviously :happy:'ve all given me a few things to consider watching if time permits. Being home more, and not being able to go to movie theaters, does mean I watch more TV than I did before. There isn't much in the way of new programming, so I will confine this to TV series that I've discovered recently and enjoyed. I'm not sure if they
  • Dracula - This was a BBC series before becoming available on Netflix. I have to say this is my favorite Dracula story (among a host of pretty good ones and really bad ones).
  • Upload - It's the classic "boy meets girl / boy dies / boy has life essence uploaded into an alternate reality" story.
  • Bull - I actually found out about this one last year. We get to see the high tech world of jury consultants in a very breezy legal drama. Burt Blank: this is Michael Weatherly's show since 2016.
  • iZombie - It's the classic "girl gets killed by a zombie, turns into a zombie, and uses her newfound skills to solve crimes" story. Probably a true story.
  • Dispatches from Elsewhere - It's the, I can't possibly sum up what this show is about. Basically, four people who feel there's something missing in the lives find a puzzle hiding beyond the veil of everyday life. Really hard to explain, but definitely worth a look if you enjoy things that are lighthearted and strange.
Other than that, it's usually sports and the news.
I think it was called 'Brilliant' in the States.
With Paul Whitehouse? Yeah, they used to play that on BBCA (in between uninterrupted days of Star Trek Next Gen 🤦🏻‍♂️). I believe that was the show (I've mentioned this before) that had possibly the funniest nonsensical line in the history of comedy. PW as a local burglar, a little kid sees him and says that he wants to be just like him when he grows up, so PW gives him some advice to be careful what he wishes for and sums it up with this gem of confusion:

"My son, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I will eat your dog."

I absolutely cannot stop laughing once I say it. I'm laughing now. I use it all the time IRL. Always leaves people trying to figure out if I've just threatened them or if I'm merely crazy. :laugh:

The Late Night Gourmet - I think we just watched that Dracula series...something like three episodes and it has a massive time shift?

We also watched Dispatches From Elsewhere, and I was heavily engrossed in that, but ultimately felt let down by the ending, if you could call it that.

We also just watched The Postmaster from Terry Pratchett - that was excellent.
Like burt I love crime stories, murican like forensic files, even kin, homicide hunter (really good) evil twins, cold case., I actually have a small library of serial killer books.
Back to tv
My kitchen rules
Last of the summer wine is being played right from the start every night.
Egyptian mummy docos and anything history.

From when tv is turned on all weekend is racing channel. We gamble individually plus we have a syndicate of 9 mates. I have friends horses racing today.

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@The Late Night Gourmet - I think we just watched that Dracula series...something like three episodes and it has a massive time shift?

We also watched Dispatches From Elsewhere, and I was heavily engrossed in that, but ultimately felt let down by the ending, if you could call it that.
Yes...that's the Dracula series I'm talking about. Since they are doing flashbacks, they potentially have hundreds of years of story to tell. At least I am hoping that things work out that way and they make more episodes.

And, I agree about Dispatches...I think they wrote it just before Covid, and had to suddenly wrap things up. Note the lack of crowds in that last episode. :(
TastyReuben I was completely unaware there was an Agatha Raisin tv show (maybe because I don't watch TV?). I completely hated the book and it was disappointing because there was so much potential there, in the character and in the stories.

My TV is easily the home appliance that gets the least love, even less than the vaccum cleaner, I just don't have the patience to watch TV. I do go through times (rare) when I'm on a TV frenzy and binge watch for hours, a week or so like that and I get tired again. Nowadays I think I only watch TV when I'm ironing or painting my nails, and none of these things happen as frequently as they should. I always watch the same shows:

Mayday Air Crash Investigation
Airport Security

In the past I enjoyed:
Say Yes To The Dress
Miss Fisher Mysteries (set in 20's Australia, loved it so much)
Banged Up Abroad
The Love Boat

And to me the best TV show ever: Twin Peaks

I like those disaster shows like Mayday and Seconds from Disaster, too. Not for the carnage, but for finding out why these things happened. Real, live mysteries solved.

TR, I like British shows, but not every one ever made. You are quite the Anglophile. Poirot was my favorite. I also liked Doctor Who.

I loved the original Law and Order series. That, and The West Wing -- I wish we had a President Bartlett. I was also a fan of The Big Bang Theory. Oh, and Dexter.

Not much on currently that sticks in my mind.

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"My son, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I will eat your dog."

I absolutely cannot stop laughing once I say it. I'm laughing now. I use it all the time IRL. Always leaves people trying to figure out if I've just threatened them or if I'm merely crazy. :laugh:

I like the quote from Norm (Nahm in Bostonese) on Cheers, "It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear."

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