Your other hobbies (2025- )

An insane boss fight - two bosses have to die almost at the same time, 20+ people advised on each, any coloured stuff on the floor is likely to end up killing you if you don't move fast enough

two of my characters chilling in between killing stuff
In the interests of growing old disgracefully, I muck about with online games.
Currently playing Guild Wars 2, I've previously played Final Fantasy XIV, Elder Scrolls Online and Path of Exile (among others).

Essential skills - having a put down for any trolls encountered / the ability to refrain from feeding a troll - dependant upon situation at the time.
(A troll is a person who posts messages intended to be provocative, or to offend)
I never got any further than Lazy Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards :)
In the interests of growing old disgracefully, I muck about with online games.
Currently playing Guild Wars 2, I've previously played Final Fantasy XIV, Elder Scrolls Online and Path of Exile (among others).

Essential skills - having a put down for any trolls encountered / the ability to refrain from feeding a troll - dependant upon situation at the time.
(A troll is a person who posts messages intended to be provocative, or to offend)
Awesome! I shoot zombies in the face. 😜
We've started a new miniature project. There's a project doll from last year that kind of ties into the spring project.

Here's the shop for the older project. I just got the doll kit a couple of days ago due to the lady having eye issues that needed surgery so wasn't able to paint the faces. The shop is not quite finished, waiting for the rest of the beads for the beaded curtain to the back room, plus I need to add some molding.


Here's a picture for the first thing I've made for the spring project. He's not quite 3 inches long.

Any guesses on the projects?
Fortune teller & circus!
Circus indeed, and maybe a sceance?
Yep. The crystal ball lights and changes color and, I have a mini copy of a very old Italian major arcana tarot deck that fits in the box on the table. I am almost finished with a bonsai tree. You can see a little of it behind the table under the cherry blossoms.
Yep. The crystal ball lights and changes color and, I have a mini copy of a very old Italian major arcana tarot deck that fits in the box on the table. I am almost finished with a bonsai tree. You can see a little of it behind the table under the cherry blossoms.
Love the idea of a miniature bonsai tree.
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