Your Photos (2017-2024)

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My lawn meadow - nigella flowers in the foreground, bugloss (blue) and michelmas daisies


Do you get nigella seeds from the plants?
I just sprinkled a free packet of the seeds....nothing happened for years and then....suddenly!!!

The photo doesn't really do it justice since they are not white but pale blue (I needed to lighten the lawn meadow up, during editing, so the colour faded as a consequence).
I've always loved natural gardens like that. English gardens as well. I tried to make my old, little house look like an English garden, even planting lemon thyme between the stepping stones so when you walked on it, you got that lemony aroma.

Alas, now I have a large but pretty standard suburban front yard.

Here's the video I mentioned of being locked out in the rain storm:

Where is the lightning?
That looked like a peaceful rain. Not a storm.
And I want your porch.
No lightning, just pouring rain. It's a little hard to see. Turn up your speakers and you'll hear it.
So just rain. We rarely get that here. When we get rain, 99% of the time it is accompanied by thunder, lightning and wind. And depending on the time of year also hail.
So the seeds are edible from your plants?
I have no idea. It never occurred to me that they could be. The seeds are not copious and prominent as in the nigella sativa though which is the only one that comes up as being edible (with a google search). So what do they taste like? Any different from cumin?

Here is a photo of the variety of my nigella flowers - as you can see, the seeds don't look pronounced or worth picking

I have no idea. It never occurred to me that they could be. The seeds are not copious and prominent as in the nigella sativa though which is the only one that comes up as being edible (with a google search). So what do they taste like? Any different from cumin?

Nigella seeds don't really taste like cumin. I'd say they are a bit like onions and black pepper. Also known as kalonji seeds, they are wonderful in curry. Cumin has an earthier, more musky taste.
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