Your Photos (2017-2024)

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We don't have squirrels here, I have encountered them in Vancouver, cute wee fellas. I watched for hours.


Be thankful. We have them in abundance here, and they chew their way into attics through the soffits and overhangs. They nest in there, and do a lot of damage. They like to chew everything, including electrical wiring, which sometimes leads to a house fire. Around here, they are like rats with fluffy tails.

Good morning 😄
We don't have squirrels here, I have encountered them in Vancouver, cute wee fellas. I watched for hours.


I have loads of them in the garden but they never come near the house - I have a bird feeder full of peanuts which is in reality a squirrel feeder! In fact, they are so many squirrels that if I look out the window any time I'm bound to see one. I will try to take a snap.
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh. He's now hanging in the garage...
To be clear, I wasn't griping at you, I just thought I'd share the pure shock of hitting the reply button and being greeted with the thing you were so careful to shield some of us from.

Even to finish my reply, I had to take my glasses off (thereby blurring the image), retrieve my phone from across the room, then hold it at a angle and look at it sideways while I typed! :lol:
We don't have squirrels here, I have encountered them in Vancouver, cute wee fellas. I watched for hours.

We have tons of them - red ones, grey ones, brown ones, the occasional white one. When we were in Detroit recently, I noticed so many of the squirrels were pitch black - cute little things.
Be thankful. We have them in abundance here, and they chew their way into attics through the soffits and overhangs. They nest in there, and do a lot of damage. They like to chew everything, including electrical wiring, which sometimes leads to a house fire. Around here, they are like rats with fluffy tails.

Here, they get up under the cars and chew all the wiring, which is why I never leave my cars out at night.
To be clear, I wasn't griping at you, I just thought I'd share the pure shock of hitting the reply button and being greeted with the thing you were so careful to shield some of us from.

Even to finish my reply, I had to take my glasses off (thereby blurring the image), retrieve my phone from across the room, then hold it at a angle and look at it sideways while I typed! :lol:

I didn't know that if you reply it opened the spoiler - I'm sure on the old version of CookingBites it didn't do that....
Be thankful. We have them in abundance here, and they chew their way into attics through the soffits and overhangs. They nest in there, and do a lot of damage. They like to chew everything, including electrical wiring, which sometimes leads to a house fire. Around here, they are like rats with fluffy tails.

I have the ultimate anti-squirrel defence. His squirrel detection units work very efficiently and he is also very good at getting rid of unwanted cats from the garden.

To be clear, I wasn't griping at you, I just thought I'd share the pure shock of hitting the reply button and being greeted with the thing you were so careful to shield some of us from.

Even to finish my reply, I had to take my glasses off (thereby blurring the image), retrieve my phone from across the room, then hold it at a angle and look at it sideways while I typed! :lol:
Sorry. I'll look into it.

There is an option of highlighting part of a reply, that allows you to add to multi-quote or reply to part of the post which might be an option that could be handy for you.


I'll have to disable an add-on I installed that changed the 'reply' to 'reply to member name' in order to work out what is going on. But it is good to know there is a problem even if we found out the hard way. Sorry about that.
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