Your Photos (2017-2024)

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I'll stay quarantined for a while longer I guess 😉
Can you walk to the coast from where you are?
Yes, we live near an area called The Bridge where St Sampson's harbour is. This picture was taken from a spot called Banque Imbert near Bordeaux Harbour, a small leisure harbour. I'm hoping to get a little pleasure/fishing boat one of these days and do a bit of potting for lobster and crab. We actually had a lobster and a chancre (edible brown crab) delivered to our doorstep yesterday.
Yes, we live near an area called The Bridge where St Sampson's harbour is. This picture was taken from a spot called Banque Imbert near Bordeaux Harbour, a small leisure harbour. I'm hoping to get a little pleasure/fishing boat one of these days and do a bit of potting for lobster and crab. We actually had a lobster and a chancre (edible brown crab) delivered to our doorstep yesterday.

How wonderful. I'm really missing not being able to get to the coast at the moment. And you are indeed lucky to receive fresh lobster and crab. I hope you will post photos of what you do with them. :okay:
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