Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Oh - they don't normally have striations like that, do they? :scratchhead:
Here’s the full story, from some smarty-pants on the internet:

Plain and simple, corking is when the inside of the pepper is growing faster than the outside, creating a cracked, cork-like texture on the skin. It is also referred to as cracking, checking, scaring, or even stretch marks. While corking is most popular amongst Jalapenos, it can happen to just about any hot pepper.
Here’s the full story, from some smarty-pants on the internet:

Plain and simple, corking is when the inside of the pepper is growing faster than the outside, creating a cracked, cork-like texture on the skin. It is also referred to as cracking, checking, scaring, or even stretch marks. While corking is most popular amongst Jalapenos, it can happen to just about any hot pepper.

Exactly. I get this on my home grown peppers sometimes -- especially my jalapeños. It happens on green ones as well as more mature red ones. It doesn't change the taste, but slightly alters the texture. If you are going to slice or dice them, you won't notice any difference at all.

Happy photo of me and my dad, my husband and my stepmom. It was a great day.
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